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Flip, his thumb flipped the page. He's been flipping pages for the past hour, and until now he's still preoccupied with the same book. Flip, the page have flipped again. Are we finishing this book?. "Ruki." You mumbled, putting both your palms in the pages as you block them from his sight. He responded, humming. "Are you reading?." You bit your lip. You are sat in between his thighs, and even if you want to stop your reading session you can't avert your gaze away. The book is too huge. "No. I'm checking if you are reading." He simply said. You turn to him, wide eyed. That's all he was doing for the past hour then? "What?." He snapped you out of your thoughts. "That was sweet." You smiled. "Stop it, you." He dismissed, looking away. "That was sweet..." you smirked, "...Master." It's then when he grins, leaning in and placing a sweet kiss in your lips. You kissed back, and just as it was about to get deeper, you let go, turning around as you readjust yourself and face him, connecting your lips again. Ruki loved it, you taking over him, you dominating over him. Soon you both pull away for air, with Ruki saying, "You did good... Livestock."

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