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Waking up in mornings has almost been rare for you. Since then you've never felt the sun, ever felt the daylight through your skin. All you're accustomed now is the dark, and the life in it you never thought was inhabitable. Luckily today, you woke up to a bright, sunny one. You yawn, blinking as the sunlight hit your eyes. It's warm, you thought, referring to the sunlight. But you realize that there's something--someone warmer than that. His body, his body heat. It's then when you completely acknowledged Ayato's presence, who's busily sleeping beside you. You smiled, observing how he sleeps. The sunlight hits his face as well, proving all those beliefs wrong. The sunlight don't affect him at all. "Morning, beautiful." He croaked. You hardly noticed he's awake as you blink in surprise, making the idiot grin. "How's sleep?." He whispered. You've never slept any better after-- God. Your cheeks suddenly went hot and red and flushed as memories of last night flashed in your head. It's also then when you realized that you're completely naked, making Ayato smirk wider as he gets on top of you."Want to repeat?."

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