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He gave you a bouquet of roses, smiling as he did so. He has even done a magic trick which he was sure you would love but, why a different expression?. You like it when he surprises you, especially with flowers. The way the roses he usually gives you would pop right in front of your eyes. You never knew how Kou manages to do that, so every time he surprises you again and again you'd be as delighted as the first time. He expected you to be happy to be this emotionless. Instead of joy, of gratitude supposed to be evident in your eyes, he could see nothing but blank. "Are you giving me this because of my blood?." His smile falls. "Was everything you did is to drink my blood?." You franked him, surprising the blonde. Why would you think that? was all Kou thought as his eyes turned stern, face gone taut. "You want me to be honest?." You blink at his seriousness. "No." And that was all the answer Kou thought you need.

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