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You look down. You looked down, ashamed. Trying your best to gather up enough courage to look back up at him, you take a deep shaky breath. You can't. His piercing glare seem to keep your head down low. You couldn't look at him, you realized you couldn't stand his red-green eyes. Although he had seen what you've been expertly hiding, you still can't bring yourself to. The brown haired examined you, the shirt he slightly tore, the sleeves of your shirt he himself rolled up only to reveal numerous cuts that left ugly marks on what could've been your delicate body. You didn't know how he knew all about it. He just tugged your numb arm one split second, and took you somewhere he can confront you. Why do you have them? You remember him asking you. "Yuma, you don't und--" You explained, but he countered right on time. "I do, Sow." He cut you off. "Azusa does it too so I understand. I ain't fool." Said an enraged Yuma. "Don't do that ever again." He grabbed both your shoulders, looked straight in your blank, teary eyes. "I won't allow it."


The 100th one-shots' coming up soon! Stay tune to see who's next to be featured on the Special! Love y'all!!! <3 Thanks for 875 reaaaaadddsssss! Thanks you guys so much I'M DYING, really. 875 is too freaking much to handle I mean, the jump was so... I don't know, so SURPRISINGLY AMAZING. Let's all continue to support Diabolik Lovers and keep the Diaspirit going!

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