Morning Breakfast

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Creak. The coffin cracks as you wake up to a bright day. You look over to your side to the only vampire who's daring to sleep in one, and a smile crept over your lips as you studied him, traced his beautiful sleeping face. Sleeping with him in a coffin never bothered you. He taught you coffins are not to be feared and freaked out, but it's rather comfortable. Subaru's coffin is by far the coziest place you've ever slept on, and you can never use yourself to sleep on anywhere else. With him you never felt like sleeping in a coffin as dead, but alive. You yawn, sit up and head straight to the large windows. The moon was high up. You didn't know you've been enjoying the view until a pair of arms sneaked around your waist. He inhaled your scent, your sweet scent, and you could feel his mouth right next to your ear. "Good evening, love." He greeted, kissing your hair, your neck. You moan. Why only his kisses send you this crazy, you'll never know. You closed your eyes, about to savor the moment when he stopped. Right at the sensitive spot he never fails to locate. You could feel him smirk through your neck, and in a snap, his fangs sink in your skin. You sigh, hugging his embracing arms. What a morning breakfast.


This isn't exactly my idea, so you ladies all gotta thank my good friend of mine sweetdisguise14 for this ever so sweet chapter. Girl, you rock😍😂. She's a close classmate and one time i was like could you write a one-shot about Diabolik Lovers for once? Subaru is your bae right? I was literally forcing her until she send me her notes since she's a writer like me.

It all started there, in that very chat box and then the brainstorming followed. We pulled an all nighter just editing and narrowing the ideas down and we just feel so alive😘😘. That's how Diabolik Lovers mean the world to us HAHA. But yeah, after a hundred years this chapter was born😂 and I hope you all enjoyed it.
Make sure to check her out tho!

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