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Shu, he remember his voice, deep, velvety  and soothing in the back of his mind, the way the tone jolted his sleepy self wide awake. He had turn to face the other right after his name escaped his lips, giving him all his attention. What do you think... the brown haired started, locks of his hair falling off as he looks away, then hangs his head low, if we tell them now? He looked up, red-green eyes in contrast with his ocean blue ones. Shu can clearly recall what exactly happened that very night, how Yuma had won over him was still fresh in his mind. For a second, Shu's usually calm expression morphed into surprise, and as he blinked Yuma still had that anxious look on his face. "We're fine like this," He shrugged, laying his head back in the other's broad shoulder from where they were sitting. "Why bother telling them?." He shot him a smug look. Yuma sighs, lips pursed in a worried expression. He took Shu's hands, rubbed his thumb over his palm as he looked over the distance. "I want them to know about you and me." The Mukami had said. You and me--it had hit the blonde. Him and Yuma, Yuma and him, he chanted it in his head up to the present time, I want them to know about you and me. He then opened his eyes, back to face the reality. About us.  Shu looked ahead, at his brothers and his lover's brothers who had gathered up for the aforementioned announcement Yuma told them about. Pairs of eyes, mostly piercing and cold, look back at him, as if the sight of them disgusted them, as if the sight of them wasted their time.He clenched his fists. He didn't know it was that hard. That saying it out loud was that hard. Shu wanted to say countless of things. Crazy things he himself can't believe as well.But they're stuck in his throat. He can't bring himself to talk even if he knows he should. He clenched his fists tighter, hardly noticed he was shaking. Yuma, standing close behind him noted this. That, and the way he was holding himself back. The brown haired thought that if Shu couldn't, then he would. He will do anything for the blonde that even the confession they're about to do isn't any different. Shu might've forgotten: Yuma doesn't hold himself back. And so he boldly took Shu's hand in his, intertwined the very hand the blonde made a fist with in front of everyone without breaking eye contact with them. He felt Shu look over him, felt the others glare at him, and after one last reassuring squeeze in his hand, he dared to reveal their relationship with so much ease. "We're together."

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