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Formal, that's how he prefer everything even his own self to be. The manor, his brothers' attitude, the way he speaks, acts, the way he looks, it's all formal. Typical, classic Reiji. You always wondered when he would go out of his comfort zone—that might take eternity—until you decided you will be the one to take him out of his zone so cold it worried you to no end. You taught him to smile, tried. The importance of family, of his life he shouldn't waste over hatred. You tried your very best. It was hard, the idea itself is hard to do to begin with, but since Reiji listens to only you, flips only to you, he himself tried. Sure Reiji wouldn't be Reiji if he's not strict. If he's not cold, if he's not the way he is. But when you came, the change you made impacted him so much he couldn't believe some of it until now. He learned acceptance, forgiveness, kindness. Reiji even learned how to love. He didn't know just how powerful it is until he felt it. Reiji realized maybe a little change wouldn't really hurt. And looking at it now, you are the change that changed his life.

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