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Talking with the Sakamaki Brothers and all the sets of brothers aside from them, takes your everything. If you can't either help your cheeks from blushing, your heart from racing, you stutter. Yes, tongue-tied it is. Why can't you look at them straight in the eye like how normal people talk, you have no idea. You thought you look like an idiot... when someone else feels the exact same way, only worse. "Subaru." You mumbled as you met him in the hallways. He froze, and like he always do he'd turn the reddest of all shades of red when you're around. And every time he'd see you, as in once he sees you--shadow, figure, even a glance of your everything, he can't move, he can't talk. He's tongue-tied, completely. You got Subaru himself tongue-tied. "Dammit." He cursed mentally. "Get lost, will you?." He walked past you. Soon you left too, unaware that Subaru looked back, regretful for not making a move.

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