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Jealousy? He's never felt that. Love? When pigs fly. It's more like lust what he always feel. Burning desire for anything, anyone. Everything he feels, they're all insincere. Fake and insincere. He thinks of the thing called feelings as a toy, something he could play, something he could easily discard once a new one comes along. Regret? He would never feel that. All about him is fun and pleasure. Just that. But... he thought, why would you change that?. Why turn his world upside down when you came? He started to feel all that, started to learn that he thought of love wrong. Why? Laito asks himself as he sees you with one of his brothers. This jealousy... It's eating me up. For once he turned dead serious, storming towards you a she snatches you away, taking you with him. "Laito, what do you want?." Yous snap, squirming from his tight grip. You, Laito said before he realized it. He wants you, Laito wants you for real, no joke. And he would want you like he's never wanted anyone in his life.

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