Who Cares

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To celebrate the 50th one-shot of this book (as if it's worth to celebrate), I'll feature Shin. Pretend to be a crowd and clap😂this will be a little longer than the usual. Little. Hope you enjoy.


He walked through the thick red carpet, drawn by the same captivating scent. He lived practically his whole life in that castle that he knows the entire structure of it. But when that sweet scent comes around, he'd always find himself lost in search of which room was that from. In which room where you are. "Y/n." Shin strode in the hallways. Where are you?. It didn't took long until he finally locates the exact room. Here, Shin smiled, fighting the urge to barge in and let his sadism have it's way to you for your scent drove him insane. He then opened the door, slowly revealing you. With your back turned to him as you busily dust off the bookshelves, Shin stand there, frozen. Why the Vampire Prince himself gets weird feelings for a mere servant like you, he have no idea. All he knows as he approached and hugged you from behind is that he's sure of what he feels. And he's not stupid to realize it wasn't love. You momentarily stopped from your work, arm falling limply to your side. You so want to touch him, to return his affection. But you lost all your thoughts as Shin started kissing your hair and made his way down to your neck. He nibbled on your weak spot, and just as you're about to break free you gasp as you felt his palms play with your breasts. "Shin." You breathed, stopping him before you give in. "You can't do it here." You whispered, making him cling to you more. He nuzzled his head on your neck, pulling you closer. "Who cares? I do what I want to you." was all he said. It's then when you realize that you love him back, and nobody, even the King cares if you do.

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