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Pain, that's what he used to live for. Pain, for him, was his purpose and why he's alive. Pain... pain itself is what defines him. As a kid, instead of playing toys, he was the one being toyed. Instead of laughing in joy, he learned laughing in pain. He gets relentless beatings, and to top all that he thought of himself as meaningless without him hurt. Looking at him tears you up. Looking at his generally sad eyes that holds pain over time brings tears in your eyes. You wish those bad things should never have happened to him, you wish you could bring out the twinkle in his orbs, the smile hidden underneath his frown. But...what would Azusa be without his scars? Without his past what would he be? You wouldn't have fallen for him, you wouldn't have been the only girl whom he had against all odds. Azusa realized that pain wasn't his purpose anymore... but you. He was so into you that when you asked him if you were to die, would he slash the same prominent marks as he did to his childhood bullies—he said no. No, because he'd rather kill himself because you're gone. You are his reason, every intake of breath. You've become... Azusa's purpose.

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