Look Better

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Comfortably sat upon his table, you looked over to Reiji, continued watching whatever move he makes. You've been staying over for the past hour, and up until now, as you have observed, he hasn't done anything but conduct and conduct, and yet again conduct. You're never interested in it, but you find Reiji's potions amusing. Makes you think he could probably make the impossible possible. Oh, you realized with a grin, vampires like him exist. "Reiji." Your voice filled his dead silent lab. He turned to you, gave all his attention to you. "Come here." You ushered him to come to you, one which he instantly did. He walked towards you, stopping so very close before you that he has to part your thighs. "What?." He fits himself between your legs. You reached for his glasses, slowly sliding them off. He's about to protest, but you stopped him just in time, a finger in his lips. "You look better." You smiled, brushing the bangs off his face. "Take your glasses off more often, okay?." You hold his face, and you swore you saw a slight blush in Reiji's cheeks as he looks away.

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