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That above btw is some of the lines in Shu's Character Song 'Kiss Mark', and look, I even added a sloppy emoji at the bottom. Don't get me wrong that hit me deep in the bones, which is why I immediately decided writing one about it and here it is! This is for Shu-san's fans. Enjoy.


You've always been bitten. A lot of times that you lost count. What made your blood draw all the Sakamaki's, Mukami's even the Tsukinami's to you, you have no idea. Every single day, one of them would come at you from nowhere and they'd sweet talk to you before quenching their thirst. Some don't even ask at all and would just drink. It's some process you've grown accustomed of, some've learned not to mind. But there's this rare times when he would kiss you before, even after he drinks. He would passionately kiss you, and you'd give in to his gentle torture. Kanato does too, but it wasn't the same for Shu. Everytime he kisses you, pulled your body close until there isn't any space left, you feel nothing but passion. The way how he holds you still when you squirm, the way he slides your shirt down enough for him to bite. Everything he does was done gently. Everything he does was handled delicately. That's what you love about it, what you love about him. Shu withdrew from your neck, wiping off your excess blood. He didn't remove his tight embrace as he stayed in his position, with you in his arms. "You overdid it." You remarked, looking at him. He met your eyes, and he have you lost in his ocean blue ones. "...but that's how much I love you."

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