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Disappointment? It wasn't in that red-haired's vocabulary. What would he be disappointed at anyway? And why? He's the Ore-Sama. He gets everything he wants. He's too proud of himself to be disappointed--no, not happening. But alas, when his birthday came, it all dawned on him. It didn't feel like it's his birthday at all. He came down from the sitting room, expecting for either one of his brothers to greet him. Nothing. He assumed to much that he waited, until breakfast. He was waiting for them to finally greet him altogether, but even a glance he didn't get. Lunch came, dinner... Ayato grew impatient. He was expecting, again and again that at least one of them, perhaps one of his triplets to remember it's his birthday today and greet him the last minute. Ayato realized with a frown, he's waiting for nothing. "Happy Birthday to me." He sighs to himself, trudging the steps back up to his room. In there, he looked out the window. He was so disappointed. He don't want it to be grand but the red-haired wanted to be acknowledged. Acknowledged it was his birthday. Just that. Oh how it damn hurts, Ayato sighs again. He didn't know he's too deep in his thoughts until a pair of arms hug him from behind. "Happy Birthday," You pressed your cheek against his back. Ayato almost forgot, there's you. "I thought any of you don't know." He murmured, nearly cold if not for a little consideration knowing it was you. Of course Ayato, though he wants to be, can't stay mad at you. He felt incredibly bad but even so, his hands find its way on top of yours. "I could forget anything but not your birthday." You whisper, voice so sorry and soft that it almost break Ayato's non-existing heart. "Sorry we pretend like we don't." With that his head perked up, and even before he could question what you mean, every single one of his brothers had already barged inside his room. "Surprise!." They cheered with the dullest tone except for Laito. He turned around, shock evident in his face. You stand beside Ayato giggling, noting every priceless expression in your mind. From that moment Ayato's disappointment was replaced with something else. Joy.


awww. what do you think? hunk Ayato thought no one remember his birthday, turns out it was all part of your plan! genius reader, GENIUS! hahaha. Happy birthday husband 3 hahaha i love you too. i love your eyes, your voice, the sweetness that lies somewhere in you. i love all that. Being sooo hot should be a crime one of these days you know! i just can't---i can't.. Okay. I can't even believe such triplets exist (in the anime world) i love all three of you and i wish you all the best in your special day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANDSOME!

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