Fall For Me

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It's one of these days when his laziness would be over-the-top it's too much to handle already. One of the days you couldn't make that orange haired move even an inch from where he was sleeping. One of the days... you ask someone to remind you just why you love Shu Sakamaki. That lazy, sexy bastard of yours. "Shu," you shake him, a habit that had grew itself on you because there was never a day you didn't need to wake him up. "Shu, get up this instant," you're sitting in the couch now, gently shaking him still. You have a lot of plans to do together today, and the longer he won't budge, the shorter the chance those activities will be done. "Y/n..." he slurred after a moment, finally blinking his sleepy eyes open. What do I do with you? you thought, glaring at him as he closed his eyes once again. "Won't you really do anything at all?," the whine was evident in your voice. "I did one thing actually," he murmured. "But you're not doing anything yet," up you throw your hands. "I did one thing already," he repeated, voice barely audible. What he said next silenced you. "I made you fall for me."

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