Don't Leave

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Being in his embrace usually feels... heavenly. His arms, strong, warm and protective against your body felt amazing once touched even with his fingertips. Cold, but still arousing, loving, electrifying. Normally you'd relax under his embrace, but when his arms slid behind your figure tonight, it felt different. It's as if he's holding you like it's the last time he'll be able to. Holding you like... he's losing you. He breathed through your hair, traveling down your neck. He pulled you close against him, squeezing you almost. You noted how tensed Ruki was and even before you could ask him what's wrong, he spoke silently. "They'll be here any moment," He whispered, his head on top of yours. "They'll... come and take you away from me." He sighs, pulling you closer than ever. He sound sad, so very sad, and when you look at his eyes from the glass windows you were looking over at, they were sadder. Crestfallen. "Don't leave," He said, almost begging as he buried his head on your neck. Don't, he repeated. You lean in his embrace, closed your eyes peacefully. "I won't," You told him, placing your hand in his and intertwining them. "I won't even if you don't ask me to."

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