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Sorry if Azusa had the most chapters so far! Gomenasai! Please don't blame me. He's my fave along with Kanato—they're both emotionally unstable just like me so... yeah. But just wait! I'll reveal my other faves sooner then you'll know.


Sometimes in the deafening silence, you could understand him. You could still understand him. People would rather choose to ignore him, to dismiss him. To you he's someone who needs attention, someone who should receive love, not abuse. Azusa's a silent one, it's hard to tell if there's something wrong. He loves pain, embraces pain that he couldn't talk, couldn't budge. But there's this times when he was so obvious you could tell just by looking at him. The sight of him alone, beautifully tragic. "I'm thirsty... " His sad eyes spoke. His eyes bored to you, his mouth hung slightly agape. "I'm thirsty... " His eyes once again communicated with yours. Your lips curve up in a warm smile. That vampire didn't have to tell you he's'd willingly give him your blood. You slowly walk towards him, collecting your hair on either side of you as you close your eyes, waited. Come, drink... you respond. You felt his warm hands, his hot breath against your exposed neck. He tilts your head, then you felt it next, his fangs. His fangs exactly on his mark. You were Azusa's indeed, no one else's. He suck on your neck, smiling through your skin.

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