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You hold your breath, playing with ypur fingers as you look at the door, the down his bedroom floor. He'll be here soon. The door then creaks to an open, and you released the breath you've been containing as you see him-he is... after his concert, after an tiring day. "Kou." You whispered, walking over and giving him a long hug. Lettimg go, he reached to grab your hand, placing it on his chest. "Help me unbutton it." You smiled, makimg him sit on his bed. He needs to rest. You started unbuttoning his shirt, from the very top. Kou closed his eyes as you do so, and as you reached midway he opens one eye and smirked, an idea in mind. He buttoned what you unbutton, one by one. At first you thought it was a joke but asit keeps up, you realize he's not playing around anymore. You looked at him, confused. His eyes stare back at you, a glint of seduction beneath the weariness in them. In a snap Kou grabbed your waist, laid you down on the bed. He crawled on top of you, shirt partially open. "How about we play, my kitty?." He smirked, undressing you.

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