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We meet again!

This is an update related to my in-the-making book Eternal Thoughts. Somehow I feel like showing you some of my personal favorite drafts I've made so far. So how 'bout 3 one-shots to make up for all the times I didn't get to update? Would that do? Would Haru, Sousuke and Makoto do? 😆 kidding, anyway I'll show some to you one way or another; of course I still have to make a 3k Special.

Here they are.


He was never tensed. Not even close to that. Even if he was, his expressionless face would hide it. Looking at him now, it seemed that the tables had suddenly turned. He is indeed tensed. Staring at you from the distance, ocean eyes zeroed in on your lips, he wondered what would your lips feel like. What would it be like to have it pressed against his. What would it feel like, to kiss it. He's always had the thought in his head and he may not look like it but Haru's dying to know. To try. But like all the other times, he blinked, shook his head and dove right down; continued swimming instead. There. The waters instantly washed all his worries away the way how it always calms him down. Then he smiled. Oh he knows just what exactly to do now. Soon enough you found yourself pinned in the wall, secluded, in the bath stalls. With the shower still on, water dripping down onto his body to yours, he leaned in. Slowly leaned in. The tense he was feeling all vanished away as his wet lips brushed and delicately touched yours. One, two, four seconds. Then your lips start moving, working in sync. Such a priceless moment. In need of air, you both pulled apart. "I should've done this a long time ago."


There's only one, and one destination you both go to whenever either one of you are thirsty. Not the convenience store, the grocery, not even the supermarket. As your footsteps halt in front of a certain electronic device in the corner of the street, its bright lights illuminating the countless of drinks in the glass display, you looked up at it, fished out a penny. Vending machines. You've been into plenty many times enough for the object to be significant to you. Many times enough to consider it your thing. You couldn't even pass by a vending machine without thinking of him now, that's how special it has become to you. You raised your hand, about to insert the coin. It could've slid right down if not for another warm hand blocking it, holding yours and intertwining each of your fingers. You smiled, turning to face Sousuke. He used his penny instead, inserted it in the slot. Right there he just treat you again. Your heart warmed. Not long after he was giving you a soda, already popped open. "Where's yours?," you asked as he only bought one. Now that you realize it, there was only one soda left and you know very well it was either water or soda he drinks. "I'm good," he looks at you tenderly. "You before me."

Run Away

Jogging? Makoto wouldn't start his day without doing it. It's a routine he found himself still doing and basically speaking, it's not something special or anything of the sort. What makes it so? When he jogs, early in the morning, with you. Simply jogging with you according to him, makes the thought of jogging itself special. He's realized it a long time ago; why he has been doing it over and over. It's the reassurance, the comfort of your presence just right next to him jogging along side him, that makes Makoto want to run a thousand more miles. As long as he's with you. As long as you're beside each other. No one has ever made his days like you always do. No one, has ever made him want to wake up, start the day, and no one has ever kept his smile all day long. And it would all just start with a morning jog. Waves crashing smoothly against the sand, he glanced at you. The sweat trickling down the side of your temple made him want to stop jogging for a moment, wipe it away. The way you pant, the way your breathing came short, it would take his everything, every single time, to just stop and calm you down himself. Then you looked at him, met his eyes. When you smiled Makoto understood you could do more rounds. Okay, he looked ahead. Let's run away.

So how was it? Liking it so far?

If you do, then stick around 'til August 1st! There'll be a lot in store for you! Requests for Eternal Thoughts are open and all (but really no one has ever made a request😭) so yeah, I hope I made it up to all of you.

Love lots!

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