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Ruki. Just mentioning his name makes your heart skip thousands of beat. Just hearing that very name brings countless of emotions, memories. Ruki, it's that name, that guy, who will always be close to your heart. Being with him meant indulging yourself in a completely different world, with different hurdles and different people. But did it stop you? No. Still, you took that path, chose that path without second thought. And you don't regret a thing because at the end of the seemingly never ending darkness, he was there waiting for you. He's dark himself. He's the dark. Desires, personality, his love: dark. Ruki's the kind of darkness you want to consume you whole, the kind of darkness... you want to get lost to, with you always finding your way back, to him. He's that darkness who led directly to the light, Ruki is. If you can only decide as Eve, if you can only change things around, you'd choose Ruki to be your Adam no matter how impossible it may be. And you'd choose him over and over again. But truth be told, even if he could never be the one, he would always remain as Ruki, the guy he is, who stole your heart.

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