Miss You

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He walks down the hallways, searching from room to room. Your intoxicating scent is strangely nowhere to be found, and his thirst, it's driving him past his limits. He reached your room, his green eyes scanning the whole place. Your room smelled so much like you, and it drove teh vampire even more crazy. Damn y/n, he cursed as he sits to your bed. I need you. Was it really your blood he needs right now? He puts his hand on the soft linen, wished to touch you. He looks over your bedside table, stared at your pictures. Again, he wished it was you who he's looking at. The hell?, he broke his trance. He can't think of such things. But as if in contrary, pictures of you surrounded his head. It's then when the redhead thought that even if he doesn't admit it, he needs you because he wants all of you. And now that you're gone did he realize your importance. "Shit." Ayato cursed. "I miss her."

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