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"Make me some Takoyaki." The red-haired Takoyaki lover who's none other than Ayato ordered. Here he goes bossing you around even at the Night School for the umpteenth time that night, and as you were about to refuse you find yourself in the kitchen, blinking in surprise. "Make me some Takoyaki." He repeated, letting go of your arm as he walks over to a corner, folding his arms as if to watch your every move. You rolled your eyes, sighing in defeat. It's always like this, he gets what he wants as instantly as he said it. Off you prepare the Takoyakis, and after a minute or so you're now just waiting for them to simmer before they're all ready. You stare at the stove, mentally counting the last minutes left until a pair of slender arms slowly sneak through your waist. Sparks flew over your system, and before you could even register Ayato was hugging you from behind, your neck felt a soft peck. Down, down your shoulder he shower you more kisses, and you froze. "Two of the most delicious things I want when combined starves me." He whispered, and in a blink of an eye you find yourself sitting on a counter, with Ayato hungrily looking at you. "But you starve me more." He says, before taking you there.

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