Chapter 1

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Nicole's P.O.V

I recently moved to L.A from New York. Im not really happy about the move because i had to leave all my friends. Right now, im getting ready for my first day of school. I showered, and changed into a 'boss' crop top, with a pair of shorts. I left my hair natural, which was wavy. I applied mascara, and eyeliner. I grabbed my book bag, and went downstairs. My mom sat in the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and left.

"Bye sweet heart have a good day" My mom called after me. I waved, and started walking to school. I got to school, and walked in. Everyone immediately stared at me. I put my head down, and walked to the office. Im sometimes extremely shy, but other times im extremely outgoing.

I walked into the office and spoke to the receptionist.

"Hi, umm im new here and i need my schedule." I said politely. The lady looked up at me.


"Nicole Davis." She handed me the paper, and i found my first class, Global.

I walked in, and everyone was already seated. There was one open space. I walked as everyone stared at me especially the boys. I sat down and a boy with brown hair turned around, and winked at me. I blushed.

"You dont want to get involved with him." The girl sitting next to me said.

"Why not?" I twisted the blue tips of my hair in my fingers.

"Beca~" The teacher interrupted her.

"We have i new student please come up and introduce yourself."

I reluctantly got up and walked to the front of the class. "Im Nicole Davis im new. I came here from New York" I smiled and looked around the room. The same kid from before was looking me up and down biting his lip. I smiled and walked back to my seat.

"Continue." I smiled at the girl.


Its now lunch, I learned that the kid that was flirting with me is cameron dallas, the bad boy of the school.

"He has slept with every girl in this school, and they always fall for him." Kim said while biting down on a carrot stick.

"Have you.... slept with him before?" She nodded.

"Yeah, im not proud of it." She said while looking down. Cameron got up out of his seat, and came over to us. He leaned on the table.

"So you're the new girl." He smirked

"Yup, and you're the 'bad boy'" I said. He chuckled.

"Yeah, and??" I stood up, so that our faces where inches apart.

"AND, Im not a sex toy, so move it along and go find another girl to fuck." I sat down furious and realized that everyone was staring.

"You'll pay for that" He said and walked away. Kim looked at me wide eyed.


"You just stood up to cameron"


"So no one has ever done that."

"Well i just did."

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