Prologue| 2

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You could have my heart
Or we could share it like the last slice
- Drake

After having a mental break down in the bathroom I had finally finished getting dressed. I still wanted to go out there and rip Brelynn's and Mariah's heads off their tiny bodies and feed it to dogs. But I stopped myself and settled for just calling them a bunch of bitches. And what ate me up the most was how from time to time I could hear them and the guy talking. Conversing with each other like we had all been friends for years.

The nerve of them, I thought as I slipped my shirt over my head. I had no attentions of even stepping outside and facing him so I made Bre grab my clothes for me. Thank God she had a least some type of fashion sense and understood what I liked. It was light grey shirt paired with ripped dark denim jeans, and my old pair of wolf grey's. Shoes were the most important part of an outfit in my opinion but some people thought other wise.

Since rain was expected again I made sure I placed my hair in a pony tail before existing the bathroom. Scanning over the open space neither Bre or Mariah were at their desks giving me enough time to prepare myself. Most of the time people complained about my antisocial behaviors but it was truly something I embraced. Majority of my life was spent to myself with the exception of a few friends that I had.

My mother said she always noticed how I would keep myself occupied and didn't need things to entertain me. Or how I would play alone. For the longest she and my doctor thought it was Autism but it was just simply me loving to be to myself. I've never really liked talking to other people or being in big crowds so fitting in was a challenge. It was something I tried to work on but I guess I never grew out of it. Maybe it was something I'll fix one day but until then I would remain awkward.

I kind of like it that way.

Knowing that they could see me I slowly appeared from behind the wall and into the opening of the door. All conversations had deceased and all eyes were on me now. It was so quiet I thought I heard a pin drop near by. Both Mariah and Bre wore smiles plastered across their face while the guy never let his eyes leave me. Feeling uncomfortable I started to break the silence, but he had beaten me to it.

"You ready ?" He asked hopping off the bean bag that they had provided for him to sit on. Pulling up his slightly sagged pants he reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver key. Connected to it was a football and a few other keys.

"And who said I was going with you?" I asked grabbing my jacket off my bed. When Brelynn prepared my clothes for me I made sure to ask her to pull out a jacket. The last thing I needed was for another jacket to get ruined.

Stopping in his tracks he turned around before he could fully exist. I leaned against the edge of my bed with my arms folded while Mariah and Bre sat on their beds smirking. They were watching us like an episode of Muary and they were enjoying it.

"I mean your friends did kind of say that you were taking me up on my offer." He implied pointing between Mariah and Bre who sneakered like a bunch of school girls. I quickly shot them a death glare causing them to immediately hush.

"I wish you would stop trying to act all hard and stuff like we weren't just talking about you needing to find somebody. Well he's somebody and he found you so there you go." Breylynn said holding out her hands as if she was presenting something. Every since my past relationship four years ago Maria and Bre have this fantasy of me meeting this perfect guy. But I knew them like a book. All they wanted me to do was get a boyfriend so they could get nieces and nephews to spoil.

They made it a constant reminder that I would be the first to get pregnant and have their chocolate nieces and nephews.

My cheeks had now turned red despite my deep complexion. Hearing laughter I looked up to the stranger who was sharing a laugh with them. If he could read minds he would have known the slap I wanted to send straight to his face right about now.

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