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"Aye real quick." Dj Rel announced as he cut the song off. Everyone had paused and turned their attention towards him. Once he felt like he had everyone's full attention he continued. "I want y'all to wish my girl Melanie a happy birthday. Matter fact wish her a happy 22nd birthday." He yelled playing a horn soundtrack afterwards.

From the section that Melanie had she could see the crowd below her as people screamed, clapped, cheered, chanted happy birthday, and many other things. Melanie who was now on her fifth drink immediately felt the love as she danced a little in her seat.

"Melanie once again I want to wish you a happy birthday and many more. Make sure you turn up for me up there." He spoke into the mic as he waved up at the balcony. But Melanie was sitting down causing her to miss her personal shoutout from him.

Suddenly, to the left of Melanie and the crew flickers of light could be seen coming up the stairs. Squinting her eyes Melanie had soon realized that it was the four bottle girls she had seen earlier at the bar. Each one carried a silver tray with what seemed to be a liquor bottle with sparklers sticking out of them. As on cue Dj Rel started to play Trap Beckman Birthday Bitch.

"This my song!" Melanie yelled as she quickly stood but regretted it. Gaining her balance she tugged her dress down and politely made her way through King, Victor, and Dray who were sitting down.

As she got closer to the rail of the balcony the bottle girls had all fully made it up the stairs. Each one kind of did a little shimmy as they gathered around Melanie. Except for the last one. In one had she carried a white box while in the other one in which she held lowly was the same bottle as the others.

Ignoring the box Melanie's song beat had dropped and for some reason tonight she felt it more than ever.

"One time for the birthday b. Two times for the birthday b. Three times for the birthday b. F*** it up its your birthday b."

The song had started and so did Melanie. She had now used the rail for support as she started twerking. Each bounce went with the beat causing Melanie to hype herself up even more. She didn't have much rhythm so she was enjoying this moment. The bottles girls had now joined her but not fully dancing since they were to still do their jobs. Which was to deliver Melanie her bottles and come back.

As the song continued to play Melanie didn't realize that Mariah had started to record her again. On the other hand Breylynn who was one to many shots in had started hitting the woah to every beat. The boys except for King were observing the girls but still conversed amongst each other.

But as King watched Melanie against the pole something had sparked in him. Rising up from his current sitting position King made his way over to Melanie. She was still dancing and he found it to be the perfect opportunity to sneak up behind her. Doing just as he planned King snuck up behind her, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him.

Even though Melanie didn't have the biggest butt that didn't stop her from doing a mini twerk session on her man before saying she quit. By this time Dj Rel had switched the song to one of Cardi B's songs. Bodak Yellow to be exact but Melanie honestly had forgotten some of the words since the song was old now. Melanie had turned around and kissed King before returning to her friends who were on their insta-stories.

Despite her being slightly tipsy as Melanie starred at the recording of her she smiled to herself. For the first time she actually felt like she was having fun. Don't get her wrong she loved every moment she spent with her friends but something about this moment right here felt right. She never wanted this night to end. She wanted to stay right here, in this section, and dance her life away.

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