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9: 53 p.m

Although Melanie had worked a short shift she felt drained. She felt like she had a for sure reason to blame it on the baby now. In fact every time she said baby her cheeks couldn't help but to rise. She was excited and it was showing.

Closing the door behind her Melanie covered her mouth as a yawned escaped. Letting her purse slide off her shoulder she placed it down on the dining table. Quickly locking her door before she forgot Melanie immediately placed the grocery bags down on the counter. After leaving work she had made a quick stop to Walmart for a few little snacks. But hers eyes couldn't help but to wonder around the aisles.

And yes indeed did they roamed. Besides her groceries Melanie had found her way towards the pregnancy test section. At first she was skeptical due to knowing Dr.Janes had confirmed it. But she wanted to physically see it.

You know for her own eyes....

Melanie figured that would finish her shopping spree, but once passing the children section her lightbulb couldn't help but to go off. She had remembered the ton of pregnancy announcements videos she had watched on YouTube. At the time it was just one of those random YouTube nights. Where you watch videos that you know you wouldn't have regularly searched. But now was the perfect time to surprise King with one.

Of course it wouldn't be as planned out as she wanted it to be and she had hopes of recording it. But there was more she could record and planned on recording. With the idea in her head Melanie found a small box that she could place the items in. She didn't just want to burst out and say they were expecting. Instead she wanted him to guess what the different items were for.

The first item were mini Hersey chocolate bars. Hinting at whenever Melanie told him she wanted to have little chocolate babies by him. Next, would be a what she thought was a non-sex pacifier. It was a simple red one. She had also purchased what to her were the smallest socks she had ever seen. Adorable wasn't even the word for it. Also she added a tiny toy football that she planned to write on. And to seal things off underneath a piece of paper would lie the pregnancy test. It wasn't much but Melanie thought it was cute and simple.

As she began to unpack Melanie hands ran across the pregnancy test box. Pulling it out Melanie examined it as if it was a hidden jewel. Never had she thought she would need one of those. Putting away her few items and leaving her reveal items in the bag. Melanie rushed down the hallway and into bathroom.

Closing the door she immediately dug into the box as if she was a kid on Christmas. Opening the flaps she pulled out the first test and the instructions that came with. It wasn't until then that Melanie had realized that she had grabbed the wrong box. But she didn't complain she just figured that she would use the other test another time. Or unless Mariah and Breylynn got pregnant anytime soon.

Undoing the instruction's  Melanie skimmed over the passage until she got to the part that really mattered. It was simple, urinate on the stick for about five seconds, top it up, lay it flat and wait for the countdown to start.

Taking a deep breath Melanie proceeded to take the test. At first it felt weird taking the test but she knew what she wanted to see. Finishing Melanie quickly topped it back up and placed it on the counter. Making sure it was flat. After cleaning herself up she instantly washed her hands and waited.

According to the test a countdown would start. Drying her hands she took a peek and secretly screamed when she seen the countdown. The instruction stated that it could take anywhere from a minute to three for results. So for that quick time Melanie decided to check her phone. Pulling out her phone from her scrubs Melanie pressed the power button. And soon she was met with her past notifications.

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