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9:05 a.m

King signed to hisself as he twist the door handle of his door. He had made it home a little after nine o'clock but he knew Dray was still sleep. So in a way he still had a little time to get ready. Shutting the door behind him King walked passed his couch making sure to throw his keys onto it. King hung his head down as he hummed a unknown beat to hisself.

Reaching the bathroom, he switched on the light and immediately starred at hisself in the mirror. His curly hair was now matted down and the lids of his eyes were hooded more than normal. Restless would have been the best word to describe him at this moment.

Rubbing his eyes to take the sleepiness away King started the shower. While his water got to the temperature he desired King decided to look on Instagram. Clicking his home button he cringed as he ignored Melanie's messages and clicked the social media icon.

Within seconds King's newsfeed refreshed and he was met with all the new post of the people he followed. Liking a few pictures King stopped and searched Melanie's name. He knew one thing about females if they were mad at their man they were bond to put a slick remark on social media. Whether it was a video of her singing a certain part of a song, a quote, song lyrics, or even the most common.


Y'all should get that.

Melanie's name popped up and King instantly noticed that Melanie's profile picture had a colorful circle around it. Meaning that she had posted to her story. Nervous a bit King hesitated but eventually clicked the circle. The first post was a boomerang of a Dasani water bottle with the caption need to make this an essential. The second post was a video of her singing along to Put A Date On It by YG ft. Lil Baby.

King released the breath that was trapped in his chest as he seen no signs of Melanie being mad but then again it was Mel. She known for holding a lot of her emotions in until she explodes and King was sure he was the target. Placing his phone down King began to undress. Throwing his clothes into a pile on the side of the tub King hopped in.

Ease started to feel his body as the hot water hit his skin. He felt so relaxed that he hadn't realized that his eyes were closed. Taking the moment in King pondered. Did he really sleep with Nikki? Usually he would rely on his mind to relay an answer but it was still blank. Blank as a test that wasn't understood. His heart told him no but how were you suppose to trust that when you relied on your memory. But if King did he was going to own up to it he just needed some clarity.

Letting about eight minutes pass King turned the shower head off and existed out the shower. Grabbing the towel that hung on the shower rod he wrapped hisself up, grabbed his clothes, and made his way into his bedroom. Opening the room door King pushed through and threw the clothes into his hamper. Scratching his head he started to search through his dresser for some bottoms. Since it was still pretty early in the morning King settled on some navy blue sweatpants.

Walking over to the closet laziness struck him so he decided on his old navy blue and white California jacket. King had bought it like two years ago when his family went on their annual family trip. Slipping it on King chose to wear his white Air Force ones that he hadn't bust out since his college days. Shutting the door he grabbed a pair of white socks and began to put them on. Once he had his socks on he placed his shoes on and laced them up.

Looking for his chain King was reminded when he felt water dripping down his chest. Putting a mental check next to chain King was complete with his outfit. Walking back into the bathroom he placed his phone in his pocket and his wallet. Grabbing his toothbrush King wetted it first before squirting the toothpaste on there.

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