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If eyes could talk then mines would tell ya that I'm feeling you...
Sometimes I swear your eyes be telling me the same thing..
- J Cole

"Who would want black walls?! It's not a funeral shop." Mariah semi shouted at Breylynn who at the moment was ignoring her. The two had been deciding on decorations for Kingston's salon for two hours now. Personally nobody really cared what they picked out as long as the tan walls, brown couch, few paintings, and other things that King picked out were gone.

"And let me guess you want red?" Breylynn shot back as she took her focus off the painting sample book. The two had went to Home Depo earlier and sampled out a few colors. Well after a ride back and a few burgers from McDonald's there were still tan walls in the shop.

"Well what do you think about it Mel." Mariah asked taking Melanie focus off her phone and onto them. While the two of them argued Melanie and Kingston chilled out on the couch and shared a ten piece nugget.

"To be honest we all know I love black so I'm really not the one you should be asking." Melanie mentioned trying to shift the tension off of her so she could tend back to her phone. She could probably text faster if King wasn't laying all across her.

"Thanks for the help!" Mariah sarcastically thanked Melanie as she gave her a fake smile and looked back at the book.

"Okay for real this time let's actually come to an agreement so we can get this over with. What day you said we needed to have the furniture order in King?" Breylynn asked flipping a few pages. From where her and Mariah stood they had a whole preview of the salon.

"The guy said by the twenty first and today's the nineteenth." King answered laughing a little bit as he rested his head back on Mel's thigh. For the longest he had tried knocking her phone out her hands but something had her glued on there today.

"We're doomed." Mariah said sucking in her lips as she placed her hands on her hips.

"No we're not." Breylynn corrected her. "We need to act like adults and pick a color. We're making it more than what it is."

Shaking her head in agreement Mariah was about to speak before she felt a buzz in her pocket. Pulling out her phone a huge squeal erupted from her tiny body.

"Woah! What are you screaming for?" King asked side eyeing Mariah as he flipped to the next page of his magazine.

"ITS STAR! It's coming back on the twenty sixth!" Mariah answered holding the phone as if it was a million dollar lottery ticket.

"Oh my god! I hate you and that show." Melanie chimed in as she blew her breath. Every since the first episode appeared on tv Mariah had been there to watch it. Even making sure she recorded the new season despite her still being on the first. You would think she had finished but nope she went back. Yep. Mariah went back and rewatched every episode.

That's a true die heart fan right there.

"I don't say nothing when you watch 13 Reasons Why." Mariah mentioned as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Now that's different." King reassured because he to was a fan of the show.

"Yeah he's right." Bre agreed shaking her head.

"Whatever." Mariah said laughing a little bit as she picked up a paint sample. Holding it up she began to speak again. "Let's agree to this."

"Your right." Everyone said in unison.

While Mariah and Breylynn broke off into a discussion of what colors they should narrow it down to. King decided this would be the perfect time to see what was holding Melanie's attention so well.

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