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9:03 p.m
The Empire

"Where you at Mel?" Breylynn asked sounding as if she was out of breath. Melanie reacted to the sound by scrunching up her face at the phone. She was unaware that she had even did that but didn't mean it in a harsh way.

"I just parked Bre. I'm about to get out. Everybody there?" She asked doing just as she had said. Melanie planned on getting there at 8:30 p.m but once she got home things took a turn. And not for the better.

With King constantly calling her getting dressed and ready wasn't something she could complete at the moment. Not to mention later on when she went to go put on her shoes she realized that Mariah had grabbed her bag and she had Mariah's. So leaving the house in a half zipped dress Melanie raced to Mariah's house.

Not only that Melanie tried to curl her hair but that failed miserably. One, the curling iron wouldn't even get hot and Melanie couldn't understand as to why. She had only purchased the thing last year and barley used it. So it should have gotten to the hottest temperature it provided.

But through all that Melanie still remained with a smile on her face. Why? Because she knew that her and her friends were going to have a good time. She couldn't wait to sit back tomorrow and laugh about all the crazy things that would take place tonight.

"No Dray waiting for Asia but she said she right up the street. Me, Mariah, Deezy, and King here. You know Victor here?" Brelynn asked. Melanie could hear the conversations of different people in the background. Another thing she could hear was King's loud mouth hyping up everyone in the background also.

"Victor!" Melanie exclaimed as she opened her car door and exited. Victor was Melanie's childhood friend but best friend at that. They met in elementary school one day at recess. Victor was waiting for a turn on the monkey bars and Melanie had been swinging like a monkey on them for the past five minutes.

So Victor not knowing any better climb aboard and Melanie who hadn't noticed swung to far and kicked him directly in his mouth. Seconds later screams and blood filled the playground. Before Melanie could realize what she did a teacher had grabbed her and his arm and led them off the playground.

They spent the next twenty minutes in the nurse office. And even though Melanie didn't have intensions of kicking him in the mouth she still had to apologize. And being since they were kids of course they had to hug it out. The next day at recess Melanie shared her fruit snack with him under the tree and they were friends every since.

"Okay I'm about to walk up to the line. Stay on the phone with me." Melanie instructed locking her car as she begin to walk towards the club. Mistakenly she didn't expect the club to be packed but a few people had shown up. Causing Melanie to have to park in the back so she had a good walk.

"Alright." She said. "King will you get out my ear." Breylynn yelled and judging from the sound had slapped him. Melanie laughed to herself as she began her walk further away from the parking lot.

In the distance she could see the bright neon orange sign reading The Empire. Melanie did a little dance excited about her night ahead of her. As she got closer she instantly seen Breylynn. She was dressed in a sparkly purple romper but that stopped above her knees. Her hair was pulled back into what seemed to be a slick long ponytail and Melanie was here for it.

Looking past her she could see Mariah talking to Deezy. Melanie was impressed that Mariah had dressed outside her box. A lime green two piece wrapped around Mariah's small figure. It was crisscrossed in the front drawing attention to her stomach. She had crimped her hair and from what Mel was seeing her makeup looked good.

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