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"King." he chided laughing to himself as if it was the funniest thing on Earth. By now his hands had escaped from his pockets and one was now resting on his chin. "So you really brought that clown around my son?" he asked again in disbelief.

"He wasn't no clown when he was your best friend so don't try to play on his top now." acknowledged Nikki giving him a stale face. It was one of her pet peeves when men spoke down on other men just because they had a fuel between them. And in this case King was unaware that their wasn't even bad blood between the two.

And it was all because of the beautiful brown-skin girl that they met at school.

When all three were in high school originally Nikki and KK were friends. She had knew him since ninth grade when they shared a math class together. They got assigned a project together and from their they hit it off. But just as friends never flirting or anything. He was a brother to her and she was a sister to him. A year later the two never took any classes together which caused them to look for other friends to hang with. That's when KK met King in his science class. Being boys they immediately hit things off and became cool.

Then came Junior year of high school. Nikki and King started to date which was something nobody really cared about. The three were friends and were enjoying each others company. King was aware that Nikki and KK were friends way before he came in the picture. See for awhile King felt like he never had to worry about anything happening between the two. And he didn't. That was until the most popular boy, Jamal hosted a party at his uncle's house and the whole school was invited.

They decided to hit up the party. It was just like any other teen party. The music was bumping, the place was packed, food everywhere, and of course illegal drinking was going on. Between the whole crew each person had at least two drinks so they were far from drunk. Not even tipsy. But what King didn't know was a week prior to the party KK and Nikki had hung out because King was busy at work. The two had so much fun and just enjoyed each others company but maybe just a little bit to much. The next day KK ended up kissing Nikki while they were at her house which lead to something else.

The two swore never to speak about it to a living soul especially King. Nikki couldn't bare to tell her boyfriend who she had swore herself to that she had gave it away to his bestfriend. And KK couldn't dare sit there and tell his friend that he had sex with his girlfriend. Fast forward to the party KK had been upstairs with some girl but just wasn't feeling her as much as a certain someone. That someone being Nikki. He couldn't stop thinking about her and the moments they shared.

King had drifted to the side and started a conversation with some other dudes he knew from his neighborhood. Nikki who was unattended stood in the kitchen sipping on the same cup she had been for the past thirty minutes. That's when she had got the text that would change everything forever. It was KK telling her to meet him upstairs. She lied to King that she had to use the bathroom and well I'm sure you know where things went.

Three weeks later and a missed period Nikki found out she was pregnant and it was for King's bestfriend. Surprisingly, KK was happy about the news at first until Nikki told him she loved King and not him. From that day KK started acting different with King and Nikki. He wanted them to be like her and King. But that wasn't what Nikki wanted.

KK held this anger against both of them for the longest and on the day that Nikki was suppose to leave and go to Texas KK leaked the video of him and Nikki from Jamal's party to everyone at school. Even King. And completely played it off like it wasn't him in the video that was piping down his own friends girlfriend. From that day King swore to never love again that was until he met Melanie who changed it all.

"What was he doing here? Y'all fucking?" snarled KK as he bit down on his bottom lip. He tilted his head to the side as if he was trying to really see if Nikki was being serious right now. "You still love that n**** or something." he continued this time getting in her face.

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