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Mines ❤️    3m ago
and when do we plan on telling them ?

Looking up from his phone King scanned his surroundings. Something he did despite if he already knew his situation. The guys were finally done hauling all the packages in.

Dray had left for work and Deezy had simply went home. So now it was only King sitting inside the empty ship. Legs propped up on the couch texting his girl who was currently at work also.

Whenever you want too. Ain't no rush  1:03 p.m

Closing out of the messages King decided that it was time for him to go. He never really liked lounging around it made him feel as if he was being unproductive. Searching for his eyes, King patted his back pocket but felt nothing. Looking in between the cushions of the couch he once again found nothing. Until it got him that he had left in the car when he was outside speaking to Dray.

Mentally rolling his eyes, King set the alarm before scramming our the shop. Although the security system was top notch he hated how once setting it you literally had ten seconds to exist. But if you were a robber then this setting you also hated to. Because once those ten seconds were over with the local police are notified and are on their way.

Locking the door behind him he made his way to his car. Getting inside of it he heard the familiar text tone go off signaling it was a certain someone who had text him.

Mines ❤️    now
I know there isn't a rush but if you think about it. Don't everybody still think we're beefing 😂

Thinking about it for a second Melanie was right. After the bowling alley incident Melanie and King had made their relationship official. Not knowing that they had to agreed to tell the friends later since they were basking in the moment. Well now was later since one of their friends were bond to bring up if they were still at each others necks.

And I know what your thinking. Didn't Brooke ask Melanie about her Snapchat story. And that she did but it was a screen recording of Mel's deleted snap.

So in all reality their friends were still stuck on the bowling alley situation.

Didn't even realize that lol. You not meeting Bre and Mariah today huh?  1:08 p.m

Starting the car King looked out his window before backing out of the parking lot. Once on the main road he began his route to the location that had been sent to him.

Earlier while King was unloading the boxes once of his team members of the shop emailed him saying they needed to have a brief meeting. It was about the opening and any good news about that King waned to hear.

He wouldn't have agreed that they met at Starbucks but to each it's own. King just felt the place was over rated but the WiFi was amazing.

Mines ❤️ now
No they both at work. I'll probably tell them tomorrow

Same with Dray and Deezy. After the game tomorrow I'll hit them up.

Hurrying and putting his phone away King paid his attention back to the road. He loved Mel but the last thing he needed to do was have a wreck. And since he knew she would keep texting him he waited until he came to a red light.

Unlocking his phone he pressed Mel's contact arrow and pressed auto with the phone icon. After about three rings Melanie voice filled King's car.

"Wassup baby?" Melanie asked concerned since King was calling her.

"Nah I'm driving and didn't feel like having to keep looking at my phone." King answered giving the gas a little press so he could merge over.

"Oh okay. Where you finna' go?" Melanie wondered. She was currently sitting in the supply closet talking to him. It was a place she liked to go when she just needed a breather.

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