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a couple days later....

Melanie's phone sent an alarming vibration through the bed causing her to stir in her sleep. Normally she would have rose up and cut it off, but she remained sleep. She had settled in her mind that it was just a soliciting caller. A small smile formed with her lips as she listened to the room grow quiet again. Snuggling deeper into her sheets Melanie pulled the covers over her head. She slept with the television on but had a hatred for when the flashes of light beamed on her lids.

Suddenly the vibration had returned causing Melanie eyes to open now. She sucked in her lips as she blew out a breath of frustration. Her true question to the person calling her was; what could you possibly want? Pulling the covers off her head she turned over on her stomach and grabbed her phone.

When her eyes seen the name her mouth immediately formed an "o" shape. It was King and judging by the first call she took it as if it had to be him. Sliding her finger across her screen Melanie answered as as turned and laid on her back.

King didn't bother waiting anytime greeting her back. Instead he continued with the conversation. "Baby I been steadily calling you." He reminded her.

It had totally slipped her mind that King had left out and retrieved food for them. It was the beginning of the afternoon around two o'clock and they had both worked up an appetite. King agreed to go out and get the food as long as Melanie chose the place.

She had picked Applebee's since she couldn't recall the last time she had it. It was a place she never really went to unless she seen one and decided why not. On the other hand King didn't care much for the establishment but he too was hungry.

"I'm sorry I just woke up." Melanie apologized yawning as she stressed her arms out. She was the type of person who enjoyed sleep. Whenever and wherever. "Where you at?" She wondered taking the phone from her ear and checking the time.

"Outside. I was banging on the door but I stopped because I forgot about your neighbor. So I started calling you and you still didn't answer." He explained a bit angry.

"I said I'm sorry King. But hold on I'm coming." She acknowledged hanging up quickly. Throwing the phone back in bed she unraveled herself from underneath the covers. Swinging her legs out the bed Melanie skipped on putting her slippers on and headed straight for the door.

Tip toeing through the apartment Melanie reached the door and unlocked it before opening it. Like he had said there stood King with two white bags with food in them, two styrofoam cups, and his phone wedged between his fingers. Melanie made sure to take a few items from him to lighten the load as she let him in.

Closing the door with her foot Melanie followed after King as he led them to the couch. King had placed the food down on the coffee table before plopping hisself down on the couch. He closed his eyes and held his hands out. Melanie had sat their drinks down and joined on side of him.

"You tired?" She asked laughing a bit at him. She never found King saying he was out of breath from a flight of stairs. So she was indeed amused at him stretched out.

"You not? I still ain't recover from when we got back from breakfast." He mentioned his eyes roaming to Melanie.

Melanie paused from turning on the tv as she looked at King. She couldn't help but to laugh because she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I guess you wore yourself out then." She smirked finally changing the channels. As always there wasn't anything to watch but sometimes if you were lucky BET played something. And thankfully The Parker's reruns were playing so Melanie decided to stay on BET.

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