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A couple days later......

Time seem to slow down now that Melanie wasn't with King. She found herself sometimes thinking about the memories. The good and the bad but it was the memories she was holding on too. As bad as Mel wanted to put on this hard act for herself she constantly battled with her heart. Her mind was telling her to forget him but her heart ached because she loved him.

It kind of reminded her of her heartbreak when she was young. How she spent hours crying until she woke up with a headache the next day. She vowed never to react over someone like that again but she was remembering the numbness of her heat that day. It felt like her heart had shattered into a million pieces and she couldn't find them.

But she had held up her part of the bargain. She didn't dare cry about it or play any sad songs that would help. In fact everyday she tried to tell herself that things would get better. And she believed it she just didn't see how things could.

At least she had some amazing friends to help her get through this. Breylynn and Mariah made sure to talk to her everyday and not to mention King's name. And she respected how Deezy and Dray did the same. Not so much of the checking in part. Which she didn't expect because their jobs took up most of their day. But she enjoyed her daily laughs out of them.

Despite it being wrong Melanie wondered how King felt right now. Was guilt eating at him like a tape worm? Or was the heartbreak to unbearable for him that he constantly thought about her? All she really wanted was for him to understand her hurt and they move on. But everybody has to learn their lesson.

And no Melanie wasn't putting all the blame on him but she knew for sure she didn't do anything wrong. She never once entertained Drémon. When he was texting her phone it was always him trying to get back with her. And she let him know despite having a boyfriend she wouldn't want him back. So before anybody tried to run their mouth saying that she needed to evaluate herself and her actions. She let her ex know what it was from the jump he just decided to stick around.

Something she wished King had done.

But she was done pointing the fingers at everyone. She just really yearned for things to get better and for her to move on. Honestly if this was the end of King and her then she would be content. Their relationship and friendship was something she enjoyed, and wouldn't take away from them.

Reaching over the arm rest Melanie unplugged her phone from its charger. Yanking the charger from out the wall she placed it on the couch before looking at her phone. She had a couple missed emails, text, and Instagram notifications but one stuck out to her.

Instagram 2mins ago
[mmelaniee._] nikshore just posted a photo for the first time in awhile.

Rolling her eyes Melanie decided to take a peek. Matter of fact Melanie didn't remember that she followed Nikki back after that day, but Instagram was proving her wrong. Logging into her phone Melanie presses the Instagram icon and waited for everything to refresh.

 Logging into her phone Melanie presses the Instagram icon and waited for everything to refresh

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