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"Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system."

"What the fuck Mel?" King said angrily as he glanced at his phone once again. This had been the fifth time Melanie sent him to voicemail and King was starting to get heated. He took in consideration that she was at work and couldn't answer so therefore he texted her. Three text in and she still didn't respond.

Well if he wanted to know if Melanie was mad or not here was his answer.

Gently pressing on the breaks King's car came to a halt. Bitting down on his bottom lip his finger began to tap against the steering wheel as he thought. He found hisself shrugging his shoulders at the thought. Melanie had every right to be mad at him but he wanted to talk. To hear him out in fact.

Looking up at the green light from behind the car King released the break and pressed on the gas. Not knowing if Melanie was purposely ignoring him or not he decided to just chill. But that didn't mean he was giving up. Scrolling through his call log King glanced back and forth from the phone to the road. Finding the contact King clicked it. It was slightly almost ten o'clock so he wasn't sure if the person would pick up.

"What?" The person whispered aggressively. The sound of people talking and walking could be heard in the background. And for some strange reason he sworn he had heard an expresso machine go off.

"Where are you?" He questioned reducing his speed as the road took a curve to it. King kind of had a need for speed judging back on his past tickets. But thankfully all three were paid for.

"In StarBucks with a loud dinging phone going off." Mariah shot back through what sounded like gritted teeth. One thing Mariah hated and that was getting embarrassed. She would get so shamed that her cheeks would turn rosey red.

"My bad." apologized King followed by a small laugh. "Have you talked to Mel today?" He asked trying to sneak the question into the conversation. He didn't want to make it seem like he was only using her to find out Melanie's where abouts.

"Nope." Mariah said blankly. "I haven't talked to her since yesterday when she was at the mall. Why what's wrong?" She asked sitting up in her seat as she continued her search for boots. Every now and then Mariah liked to drive down to the nearest StarBucks, order a grande lemonade mixed with passion fruit syrup, and a blueberry muffin. She brought her laptop with to occupy her so she wouldn't feel out of place in the environment.

"Nothing she wasn't answering her phone and I was trying to see what she wanted to eat." King replied turning into his familiar neighborhood. His apartment complex sat in the very back of the  Woodarch neighborhood. In some way he was happy because ironically they built most of the fast food places back his way. So majority of the neighborhood had to drive his way to grab something to eat.

"Between you and Melanie I don't know which one of y'all are gonna' be on my 600 Pound Life." Mariah joked shaking her head as if King could see her. King laughed again at Mariah stupid jokes. "Plus isn't it a little to early to be getting her something to eat. She doesn't go on break till one." Reminded Mariah taking the phone from her ear as the time read 10:09 a.m.

As if King was in one of those silly cartoons when one of the characters had a brilliant idea people would be able to see his lightbulb going off. It had totally slipped his mind that Melanie break wasn't until one. Despite Melanie taking one of her owns at twelve.

"Your right Mariah. I completely forgot. Thanks though I'll just wait till she calls back." King informed seeing the roof of his apartment complex in the morning sky.

"Your welcome. But alright I'll talk to you later." Mariah said seeing that she had almost finished her lemonade and wanted another one before she packed up.

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