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The next day both Melanie and King woke up with more excitement than they had ever felt. People would probably say they were doing to much but to finally be with the person you've be wanting is the best feeling in the world. Not only that but to date your best friend at that just gave them both peace.

But real question was, what was next? The two love birds couldn't wrap their heads around how to stitch from hiding their love for each other to actually expressing it freely. They were like two kids that liked each other and couldn't stop laughing and smiling at the thought of it.

But they knew that their friends would be there to help them transition perfectly. They planned on getting everybody together and telling them like that but it seemed like today was everybody's work day. Including Melanie and King. Meaning that they would have to tell them on their own time.

"What time you go to work?" King asked as he rubbed his favorite moisturizer through his hair. He was currently on FaceTime with Melanie as they both got dressed for work. Even though King didn't spend the night yesterday they still texted each other until Melanie eventually fell asleep.

"Hold on." Melanie said putting herself on pause. Clicking on her message app, she scrolled down until she seen the contact named Megan. Megan was one of Mel's many co-workers at Lake After Hours. Thankfully Melanie's aunt use to work there and was able to put in a good word for her before she left for Texas.

Looking over the schedule Melanie's scanned it until she seen her name. Coming back into the camera frame Mel answered his question. "Ten."

Checking his watch it was currently eight twenty eight and he needed to be to the field by nine. "Okay when you go on break?"

Melanie killed her self laughing causing King to smack his lips. "You know I go on break whenever I feel like it." Melanie explained wiping a fake tear from her eye from laughing so hard.

"That's sad." King implied shaking his head. "Well the boys finish with practice around three but I gotta' go the the shop with Mike today. Wanna meet me over there when your done with work?" King asked untying his shoes and then putting them on.

"You must miss me or something." Mel said giving King a funny smile causing her dimple to show.

"Mel I seen you last night plus I was on the phone with you the whole time. And now we're FaceTiming this morning. I think I've seen you enough not to miss you." King said turning up his lip at her which he knew would gain him a reaction from her.

Snacking her lips Mel proceeded to prove that his comment was a lie. "So who text me seven times this morning talking about get up beautiful." She implied again mocking King's voice.

Laughing to hisself King began to speak. "You know I said that one time! And that was it. I know your lazy self don't wake up till one o'clock unless you have something to do."

"I just want to see my girl that's it." King added rubbing the same moisturizer for his hair through his beard.

"Aww! We'll since you insist yeah I'll meet you over there around five. You still going to be there right?" Melanie asked scooting her make up mirror closer to her.

"Yeah cause Mike finishing the salon today so I can have that open next week. Plus Mike work a little slow so I'm going be there til probably ten." King said looking in the camera to make sure he looked decent.


"Alright I'm about to start leaving for work." King said grabbing his keys off his dresser.

Mel put herself back in the view If the camera only for King to see her with one eyebrow. "Don't even say nothing." Melanie warned him because she knew he would screenshot it and show Deon and Dray.

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