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"Texas?" The guy asked again for the third time that they had been on the phone. Nikki was starting to get annoyed and secretly praying that she had stayed on the phone with King.

Her mother on the other hand had finally calmed down from throwing things around in the living room. And just to be safe Nikki had locked her bedroom door in hope of not getting another beating.

"Yes." She said through gritted teeth. She had her fingers placed at the bridge of her nose as she took a deep breath in and out. She was starting to debate whether or not he was the right choice.

"And all of this just because she found out your pregnant?" He questioned in disbelief. In which he had every right to feel angry. A big part of his life was now moving to Texas. He knew it was wrong but she meant so much to him. Especially now.

"Yes." She repeated letting her nose go. Nikki's eyes met her closet and then the picture of King and her and wondered where she went wrong. She now had to move to Texas and start a whole new life. Not to mention she was now in care of a living human bean until it turned the age of eighteen.

She felt the tears build up in the back of her eyes but she didn't dare to let them drop.

"Nikki I love you okay. Don't think your alone in this." He preached closing his eyes on the other end of the phone. Silently he said a small prayer to hisself before returning his full attention back to the conversation.

"I love you too KK." proclaimed Nikki as a small smile appeared on her face. How could she love two people so much? It was something she didn't understand but she was sure of.

"Does King know?" He asked causing Nikki to jerk forward. She hated when he said his name because the thought of all this mess made her want to throw up. Or maybe that was just the morning sickness.

"Y-Yeah I told him." She lied sucking on her upper lip. She knew it was a lie but it just wasn't the time to tell King she was pregnant. Not with everything going on. "He broke things off." She explained feeling a tear drop. Quickly wiping her face Nikki felt more coming.

"Maybe it was best that way." He suggested unaware of the deep feeling the two had for each other.

"Are you crazy? I just lost the love of my life because of this." She said angrily not knowing whether to acknowledge that to the unborn child in her stomach or to this love triangle.

"That n**** wasn't the love of your life. Stop talking reckless Nikki. I'm your n****. Don't ever mention no other dude around me again. You wasn't around here screaming King when you was throwing it back so don't do that s*** now!" He yelled. He felt like he could feel the steam coming out of his ears as if he was a train.

"Shut the f*** up K. I ain't make this baby on my own. I ain't f*** my closest friend girlfriend. You caused all this. Not me. I wanted to be with him. You came to me that night at the party." She screamed back as the tears flowed down like a river.

"You could have said no but you didn't. You knew what you were doing right when you told King you had to go to the bathroom. Alright! So I don't wanna' hear that s***. All I care about is the child that's inside of you right now. F*** you and King." He shouted back nostrils flaring like they did when we he was mad.

Nikki chest rose up and down quickly. And for a moment she felt like she was about to faint. She was beyond pissed.

"You don't have to ever worry about me or my child. I'm through! I'm through with everybody! Don't call my phone no more K." rasped Nikki as she ended the call.

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