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"Boy give me my stuff back." Melanie screeched snatching back her lingerie from King's hands. Hell if it was up to King's decision on what Melanie wore she would be completely naked half the time. And on the contrary a big shirt.

"I'm just saying Mel." King suggested laughing as he shrugged his shoulders. Closing his eyes he scooted his body down a little as he let his legs hang out. From the loud music to the liquor King couldn't detect what made his head hurt.

Stuffing her personal items in one of the bags Melanie turned around ready to continue their conversation. But on the side of her King was laid out with his hands over his eyes. Pondering to herself Melanie analyzed his body. She watched as his chest rose up and down signaling that he was taking deep breaths. The outline of his abs could be seen poking through the shirts fabric causing Mel to bite down on the skin of her bottom lip.

She let her eyes follow themselves down to his lower body and down his legs. King looked good all the time but tonight he appeared different to her. Running her lips across her lips that thought she had thought about so many times had entered her mind. And with out any thought she acted.

Taking off her heels Melanie placed her hands down on the couch and tucked her legs behind her so that she was in crawling position. Gently crawling over to him Melanie straddle King as she placed her hands on his chest.

Immediately, King eyes fluttered opened, his hands had dropped down to his side, and his kneels had buckled up causing him to make Melanie body jump. His eyebrows scrunched together as he looked Melanie up and down.

"Mel what you doing?" He questioned moving his head side to side trying to shake the pain in his head.

Melanie tilted her head to the side as she used one hand to wipe away a glitter spec that was on King's cheek. "I'm taking you up on that offer." She answered.

King had took the moment to stare into Melanie's eyes for a second. And just like he had suspected Melanie was giving him that look. It was the look Melanie gave him whenever she had got turned on. In fact he enjoyed the look but he was a bit confused on what he had done.

"That dance?" He asked laughing a bit.

Melanie shook her head as she bit down on her lip again. "Nah I got something better than that dance." She spoke softly as she lowered her head down some. Moving her hands up to his face Melanie placed four of her fingers behind his head as her thumbs rested his face.

"And wha-."

Melanie had interrupted him by crashing her lips against his. At first they were slow gentle kisses but as their bodies started to sync with each other both had got the confirmation that they needed.

Pulling away King asked the question he had been staggering to ask. "You sure about this Mel?"

Back in the newly beginning of their relationship Melanie and King had discussed their first time with each other. King explained how at fifteen he had experienced his first little quickie with some girl from his neighborhood. While as Melanie on the other hand explained how she regretted her special time with her ex. After that she vowed that the next time she gave herself to man it would be with someone she actually loved.

And something she actually enjoyed.

"More than sure." promised Melanie as she shook her head in agreement.

"That's all I needed to hear. I been waiting to fuck the shit of you." King said seriously as he stood up making sure to hold on to Melanie tightly. It was like magic that King's headache had went away so fast.

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