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"Are you serious right now?" The women nearly screamed. Her long red manicured nails tapped against her skull as she tried to figure this out. Anger rushed through her body causing her caramel skin to have a red tint to it. Her heart pounded a thousand miles per second it felt like.

My blood pressure has to be high, she thought as she paced around in the small apartment.

"Mom." The girl called. Tears flowed from her eyes and it seemed like her hands couldn't stop them. "Please talk to me." She asked fearfully.

"Shut up!" The women yelled causing the trembling child to jump. As if on command the child's tears started to fall. She cried so hard that her body curled up every time she started.

"Mom please." She sobbed. She begged the women to say anything to her. Just one word. She wanted to be embraced by the women's touch. To be soothed with her mother's words of it's okay. She was still a child in need of her mothers lead and guidance.

Out of thin air the women came running towards the girl but her body didn't move. She didn't dare run away from her mother. Not if she wanted the beating to last longer. Soon the scared child felt a sting across her left cheek. And soon after that another one came to her right. Her brown straight hair was now being pulled and tugged on as her mother mopped the floor with her body.



A dirty b****.

Each word seemed to hurt worst than the first. And at this time she couldn't tell if she was crying from the pain of her head or the calling out of her name. By her own mother. Someone she was post to mean the world to was now stuffing her face into the couch cushions.

After a few more hits to the face her hair was released. She was out of breath from screaming at her mother to stop or in hope that the neighbors would hear. Her mother on the other hand was unrecognizable. Her chest rose and sat at a fast paste as she looked at her daughter as if she was prey.

"Pack your stuff tonight." She spoke coldly nails throbbing from thumping around with the small girl.

The girl wanted to speak but speaking seemed to get her into even more trouble. A from tasting the blood inside her mouth another beating wasn't something she could take.

"And I mean everything. Because first thing in the morning your going to stay with your aunt." She explained checking on the throbbing pain.

"My aunt?" The girl slipped out below a whisper. She quickly covered her mouth afraid her mother would hear her. She had only knew of one aunt and that was her aunt who lived out of state. She wasn't sure what state it was but she knew it wasn't her hometown. Not with all her friends. Not with her school. Not with everyone she loved.

"I'm not letting you continue to be a hoe in my house. And since you want to be one so bad go be one with her. I'm done. I didn't raise you to be like that. And for you to go and embarrass me like that. Ugh!" She screamed bawling her fist together. She took a deep breath before continuing. "Get out my sight now." She demanded.

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