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Yawning Nikki placed a hand over her mouth as her slippers dragged behind her. She had seemed drained this morning despite going to bed early last night. And to make her morning even worst Carter was no where to be found. Assuming he had went to work like any other guy Nikki left it alone but made a mental note to text him later.

Entering the kitchen her hands when straight for the refrigerator as she pulled it open. Looking around Nikki eyes landed on the honey butter biscuits can that was standing up. Trey and her were a fan of them but Carter not so much, but she figured it would go good with a slight breakfast. Pulling them out she placed them on the counter. Next she grabbed the half empty carton of eggs, the sausage patties, and lastly she decided she would do some toast on the side.

Closing the refrigerator Nikki walked over to the cabinets in search of items to cook with. Grabbing a cooking tray and parchment paper Nikki decided she would use that for the biscuits. As far as the sausage she would cook that on a separate, smaller tray. The eggs she could just whip up in a old container and the toast would go last. Looking over everything Nikki made a mental check in her head hoping she didn't forget anything.

"Hey Nathan!" She called walking out of the kitchen and into dining room space.

In some type of way Trey had convinced Nikki into letting his friends spend the night. And not only that but to have a fun filled day by six o'clock, before the their parents picked them up. And honestly Nikki didn't know if it was her tv show or the wine cooler that made her agree. But here they were Trey stretched out along the couch. While Nathan, the new kid to the group sat upright on the couch with a blanket covering him. And Javontae, the usual, sat on the edge of the couch eyes glued to the television.

"Yes ma'am?" Nathan called back his eyes never leaving the screen neither. Nikki wondered what they were watching but judging from the sounds it had to be some type of action movie.

"Do you eat sausage?" She questioned fixing one of the glasses that had fell over on the table.

There was a pause before Nathan answered. "Yes ma'am."

Knowing that Javontae and Trey ate it Nikki headed back into the kitchen to prepare the food. To be honest Nikki enjoyed Trey's little company. In fact she was happy Trey had found a good group of kids that were respectful and overall just seemed great. She prayed that they could stay friends for awhile but only life would tell.

It brought back memories to when she was a little girl and begged her mother for a sleep over. Of course just like any other mother she wasn't to fond of letting people inside her house. But eventually just like Trey after countless times of begging she had won her over. Nikki remembered being the happiest girl in the world. She remembered how her and Aniya talked and bragged all day at school of how they were spending the night together.

Suddenly a knock at the door brought Nikki out of her thoughts as she turned around to face the door. Normally if the door was locked Carter would just use his key to unlock it so Nikki found it a bit strange.

"Mama you want me to get it?" Trey asked hopping up from out his comfortable position. In which Nikki didn't understand how he was watching the show or movie with his head buried in the cushions.

"No I got it. It's probably your dad." Nikki assured him as placed the box of sausages back down on the counter. Walking out of the kitchen Nikki fixed her night clothes as she had just noticed that the side of her shirt was tucked in.

Unlocking the door Nikki twisted the doorknob open and to her surprise it was the person she least expected. Her eyes had blinked a few times in hopes that her mind wasn't playing a game on her. In a way Nikki had completely banned this person from her house, but at least without them knowing it.

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