Prologue| 3

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Whenever you around I seen it come alive for ya...
I finally recognize the feelings that's inside for ya...
- J Cole
From those two days that King and I encountered each other in our freshman year, we've never left each other sides. We had became best friends truly until the end. He was there whenever I needed a shoulder to lean on, but always told me to get my big ass head off him. Whenever nobody wanted to listen King always had his ears open for me. And it was vise versa with me. When his baby sister died I spent hours on the phone with King for days and weeks helping him grieve. All while copping with him and studying for my exam in one hand.

Remember that day after the library when we couldn't figure out what to say to each other and how we had this weird gut feeling. Well it was just us realizing that we never wanted to loose each others presence. And here we were juniors in college and still holding fast. King promised to never leave my side and I promised the same.

"We in this till the end." He said one day letting those warm brown eyes catch mine again. It was after one of his football games and after the tension died down King and I went out to celebrate their win. Of course he insisted that I ride with him which turned into him holding my hand and telling me how thankful he was to have me as a friend. Plenty of times I held his hand tighter thinking the same.

Knock ! Knock!

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts as I quickly swung the thin blanket off my body. Dashing to the door without thinking about putting on my slides I almost slipped and fell. All of ESU dorms were alined with that slippery fake wood. Regaining myself I peeped through the peephole although I knew who it was to find King standing there with a plastic bag in one hand and a styrofoam cup in the other.

He wore grey sweatpants that were tucked into his black and white classic vans that weren't laced up right. King was one of those people who never tied their shoes. Instead they wore their shoes loose with two small pieces of the shoestring hanging out each end. Mostly boys only did it so I was use to it by now since it wasn't something I favored. The black shirt with white writing hugged his muscles outlining his chest area and broad shoulders.

He was fresh as usual, I thought to myself as I opened up the door to see King and all his glory.

"Best friend I missed you." I said closing the door behind him as he made his way into the bedroom. Usually King would have just walked in but I guessed Mariah and Bre must have locked the door behind them.

I waited until he sat the food down carefully on the desk between me and Mariah's bed before running into his arms and giving him a bear hug. It was something I always did but King always found it funny because he said he never felt me squeezing him at all. His big frame made me look like a pencil compared to him.

Still holding onto me King smiled and shook his head. Almost everyday King and I spent the day together except for the days we had to study or had some place to go. "We just had lunch together like five hours ago."

"Yeah and that was five hours ago dumb ass." I said pushing my fingers off my head giving him the no shit face.

He gave me a quick shove before taking a seat at the end of my bed and switching the channel to ESPN. King knew I hated that channel but I was to distracted by the plate that he had just bought me. Back in town there was a new soul food joint that opened up called Mama's Jays. It had only been open for three weeks now and lines were already out the door. Whenever I did have to time to go in there I always got the same thing and that was a number five combo. It consisted of ribs, your choice of another meat which I always got chicken, two sides mines were cornbread and collard greens, a desert my favorite was the pecan pie, and your choice of drink.

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