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The Spears Residence

"Princess!" He called out as he walked down each step slowly. His leg had been killing him for the past couple of days but he had to soon get over it. Reaching the last step he shook his head at the mess the four year old had made.

Her dolls were scattered all across the floor, a few of her teddy bears were currently watching Hannah Montana, and by the looks of things she was cooking a real onion on her play set kitchen stove. He knew her mother wouldn't be to please with her groceries being used as a prop but she was his princess so he'll let it slide.

"Melanie! Baby where you at?" He asked again as he made sure to carefully step over the Barbie doll in front of him.

"I'm right here dad." The soft voice answered. Judging from the onion that was cooking he knew exactly where she was.

"Princess what did mama tell you about using her good groceries?" He asked laughing to hisself as the four year old stood in the fridge placing items in her toy basket. She had on the play sets chief outfit and he couldn't lie to hisself. She hadn't look more cuter since the time when she dressed up as a police officer last year.

"But dad I got Mr.Teddy'sand Miss.Molly's guest waiting for me to make dinner." She explained finally meeting eyes with her father. Instantly her cheeks rose and soon her pearly whites were showing. She was a daddy's girl and she was proud of it.

"Well how about I make Mr.Teddy and Miss.Molly some food too? Is that good?" He suggested taking the small pink basket from her.

"Ouu what are you going to make?" She wondered bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Burgers." He answered.

"With cheese!" She cooed smiling ear from ear.

"Yes with cheese baby." He replied swooping the child up and holding her tightly. Closing the refrigerator he decided it was time to start breaking it in to her. Did he really want to have the truthful conversation with her? No. For one he knew her mind was to young to process what he was saying. And two he couldn't bare seeing his baby girl cry.

"Daddy can I have your chain?" Melanie asked picking up the gold Jesus cross that hanged around her father's neck.

"Actually that's what I was just about to tell you." He started taking a deep breath as he watched his steps. "Remember how daddy told you he had to go away for some time because of the new job."

"Yeah because you got a bigger job." Melanie added to distracted with playing with his chain.

"Yeah I got a bigger one. So daddy got you a going away gift." He explained scooting her up on his hip as he carried them both up the stairs.

"You got me a gift." She repeated adding a sweet "aww" behind it.

He giggled at his silly daughter as he kissed her temple. He loved her with all his heart but yet it hurt him so much that he was going away. Away to miss majority of her life.

Reaching the bedroom he twisted the doorknob until it opened. Placing Melanie down so she could walk he followed behind her. Immediately Melanie ran to her parents bed but she knew better than to jump on there. Unless she wanted her mama to jump across her butt with that belt.

Dangling her feet off the side of the bed she watched as her father opened up their closet and reached at the top for something. Feeling around for a few seconds he finally landed his hand on the box. Pulling the bright red box down he closed the closet door and walked back over to Melanie. Kneeling down to her level he watched as she watched his every move.

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