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"Melanie that is your sixth pack of Teddy Ghramas." Her mother complained examining the half empty box. She had invited her over to help with baby sitting her niece and nephew,  Melanie's cousins to exact. But it seemed like all Mel wanted to do was eat her house away.

"Mom! I know." Melanie acknowledged giggling to herself a little bit. Opening the tiny bag a little more she shook its contents into one side before throwing them back. It was true she was on her sixth bag but how could she help it. For some god darn reason those tiny little crackers were so appealing to her right now.

"Well you make sure you explain to Shantelle how her children snacks went missing in under an hour of you being here." Her mother explained closing the box up and placing it back in the cabinets. "You always did eat like you had a tape worm or something girl." She related taking a quick glance of the kitchen. It had took awhile but between juggling two kids she was finally able to do a quick clean down of the kitchen, and she was proud 

Not that Melanie was any help.

"I'm about to have a bigger one in a couple months." Melanie mumbled picking up the giggling baby. Layla Noel Spears was one of the latest additions to the Spears family. It was a big shock to them at first due to her mother just giving birth not to long ago to their other joy Briceson Kai.

"What you said?" She questioned squinting her eyes at Melanie. She had corrected her a thousand times on talking fast and mumbling. It was a way of not speaking clearly and her mother didn't have time to decipher it.

"That Layla getting big just to say she a couple of months." Melanie lied poking the baby's chubby cheeks. Her mother had her silky, jet black hair swooped in different directions. She looked like a tiny baby doll and for some reason Melanie was loving it.

She couldn't wait till her child was here. And to be exact she prayed her first child was a girl.

"That's because Shantelle probably feeding that girl mashed potatoes and pork chops." Her mother joked laughing at her own craziness. But something had to be in Layla's formulas because everyday she gained a new roll. Grabbing one of her legs Melanie's mother  removed it off her  coffee table, and placed her feet on the ground.

"Now mom you know she not feeding that girl that type of stuff. You just be saying anything." Melanie corrected her shaking her head. Her mother knew how to get a good laugh out of her.

"I'm just saying you never know. Now hand me that remote." Her mother suggested pulling a near by blanket over her lap. Her mother loved to cuddle up with a blanket on the couch while watching some a good show or movie.

Handing her the remote Melanie shifted Layla in her arms. Looking down at the comfortable baby she couldn't help but to admire how adorable she looked. But was she truly ready to become a mother? Sure children are cute but what about the providing that comes with them, sleepless night, difficult times, not feeling like your good enough, and everything else that came with the beautiful joy. But she knew she wasn't alone in this which seemed to make things just a little bit better.

"Speaking of babies how are baby face and you doing in the whole love department?" She wondered taking a quick peak at Briceson who was sleeping peacefully with his Black Panther action figure dangling out of one hand.

"We're good mom. Doing the usual." Melanie answered patting the baby's bottom.

"And what's the usual?" Her mother pondered laughing a bit to herself. If there was one thing about Melanie she could word things funny.

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