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Tired seemed to be a word that couldn't express how Melanie felt right now. From working a double or running around the shopping centers Melanie didn't know what caused her feet to feel how they felt right now. Her toes curled in agony and the soles of her feet ached. But through all that Melanie still found the courage to follow behind the busy body Mariah.

She had took her into every shoe store there was to man and yet that hadn't found not one shoe. Melanie wondered if she was just doing the most and should just settle for black shoes. But in the words of Mariah, It's your motherfu***** birthday, she felt the need to dazzle thing up.

She wished Brelynn was here so she could keep Mariah company but due to her job needing her she went in. But underneath one circumstance that she be released at exactly five. Why? Because Melanie party started at nine and Breylynn really needed four hours to get ready. Honestly they all needed the time to get finished with everything since most were just getting off of work and others just needed to be fashionably late.

Melanie on the other hand needed every second of this day because she had to spilt it up wisely. Her makeup appointment was for seven. Right after that she had mistakenly booked an hair appointment with her beautician. But Melanie knew it would all work out together in the end.

The one thing she had seemed to be depressed about was she wouldn't be able to schedule a nail appointment. Sadly after plucking off her last set of nails Melanie real ones were left in bad condition. And getting another full set would be a preciser version of ripping her nail off. So she had settled unwillingly to getting her real nails done.
Not nothing to fancy just something that was settle and could compliment the dress without drawing attention from it.

"Mel?" Mariah asked causing her to snap out of her day dreaming. Melanie raised a eyebrow to signal Mariah that she had answered what?  Mariah had gotten the drift and soon turned around with a white box in her hand.

Melanie couldn't make out what the designer name was but could see that it was written in some sort of fancy cursive font. Looking around Melanie had now come to realization that Mariah had walked them into yet another shoe store. At this point she was determined that Mariah was shopping for herself.

"Okay so I know you may say no but hear me out on this one." Mariah explained slowly lifting the lid off the box. It was if she was a magician about to reveal the completion of their trick, but then noticed that it didn't fully work out. That's exactly how Mariah looked as she opened the box only showing Melanie the white paper over the shoes. "Not this." She muttered rolling her eyes.

Melanie giggled but paid attention as Mariah pulled out the gold sparkly shoe. At first glance Melanie was quick to tell herself no but as Mariah twirled it around more Melanie grew a liking to them. She wasn't a huge fan of pointy toe shoes but this one in particular could work. And what Melanie thought were sparkles were actually the material reflecting off the light which caused them to shine.

"I actually like these Mariah." Melanie said laughing as she grabbed hold of one of the shoes.

"I know you do." Mariah replied smiling to herself as she pulled out the other shoe. She held it up to the side of her foot and tried to imagine herself in them. And with Mariah's mind the picture came back perfect. But they were for Melanie but she sure was picking up the black pair in a size six before they left.

"They got a five in these?" Melanie asked Mariah as she tried to look around as to where she had retrieved the mystery shoe from.

Mariah took Melanie hand and led her around the corner of a wall that had shirts plastered all across it. Behind that was another wall with different pair of heels, tennis shoes, and sandals. Melanie debated on buying a pair of diamond nude sandals but remembered that wasn't in her shopping plans.

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