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"King you can't be doing shit like that!" Dray stressed as he slammed the front door of King's car. King on the other hand had said nothing. All he did was stare out the window and occasionally looked down at his hand.

It was trembling as the blood began to harden in some place. He looked up from his hand and back at entrance of The Pub. He began to think to hisself as flashbacks of his high school years started to flood in. He went back to so many times where he should have been did that to Carter but regretted it.

"Do you hear me talking to you?" Dray asked hitting King in the chest. But King ignored it as his mind was to busy to focus on what Dray was talking about. "Where the fuck is Deezy?" He asked hisself as he slammed his hand against the steering wheel.

Dray had decided to drive since King hand was all bloody now. Plus it was never a good idea to drive while angry so he immediately stopped that. Especially not with how King sped all the time. A crash was up next if he would have let him drive.

That's when Dray saw Deezy. He didn't know whether to curse him out or do him the same way King did Carter. Deezy was speed walking with four to go boxes in his hand. Dray silently cursed to hisself as he blew the horn almost causing Deezy to drop the plates.

Stumbling to the car Deezy climbed into the backseat making sure to place every plate down gently. Dray having the pissed of look of a mother slowly turned around in his seat and faced him.

"Are you serious right now?" He asked bringing his index finger and thumb together. "Like really serious right now?"

"Yes nigga. We paid for our food I'm not able to leave it just because King lost his temper." He explained not cracking a smile once which made Dray even more mad. Why? Because Deezy was really serious.

Ignoring Deezy, Dray turned back around and spoke to King. "Where the keys at?" He asked holding out his hand. King reached into his pocket with his clean hand and handed the keys to Dray without any questions.

Starting the car Dray hurried out the parking lot. The bartender had already warned them that the police were on the way and the last thing Dray felt like was dealing with was twelve. Looking both ways Dray bolted out the turning area and onto the main road.

"You care to explain what went on back there?" He wondered keeping his eyes focused on the road. Dray had never owned a Camaro so he wasn't to sure how to work everything but he knew how to drive it.

"He wasn't talking about Melanie huh?" Deezy asked referring to Carter. He had asked the big question that him and Dray wondered.

The silence in the car was thick. So thick that someone could have cut through it and it would still be there. Dray and Deezy understood that what just happened back there was a serious situation but they need an explanation from there brother and quick.

"No." King answered blankly starring out the window as the road sped beneath him. Deezy and Dray both blew a sign of relief from King's answer and could now start piecing the story together.

"Then who was he talking about?" Dray questioned quickly merging into the right lane to avoid going onto the interstate.

"It's a long story." King replied finally snapping out of the trance he seemed to be in.

Looking at his watch Deezy spoke. "We got all night so start explaining."

King really didn't know the full story hisself but now he understood the concept of it all. "It started around my junior year in high school. Nikki and I had started dating around this time. I was also cool with Karter to around the same time also. Everything was good we were all friends just chilling and everything. And then one day Nikki had explained to me how her and Carter were best friends before I came in the picture. So it was nothing I really tripped about." King started shaking his head about the situation now.

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