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Nikki   18 mins ago
We still on for today?

King had let that message stay there for a total of eighteen minutes. Was he trying to figure out what to do? Yes. Did he make a promise to her about the lunch? Yes. But right now he was second guessing everything. Another argument with Melanie was the thing we was trying to avoid the most. And yet that seemed to be the thing he started up the most.

But then again he felt the need to go and explain to Nikki that this whole thing, scratch that there wasn't anything between them. He was going to cut the ties with her and that was it.

Reopening his phone King pressed the message icon. Within seconds all his messages appeared and next to Nikki's name was a blue dot. In some way he was starting to hate that little dot. Pressing her name he read over the text one more time. As if he hadn't read the text five times already.

Yeah    1:27 p.m

Pressing the blue send button King locked his phone and headed to his bedroom. He had already taken a shower earlier before going get Melanie's food. So luckily a shower wasn't what he needed. He pulled the compressed jacket over his shoulders and threw it on the bed. And then tugged on his basketball shorts until they hung at his ankles. Slipping out them he placed them on the bed also.

Walking over to his closet King slide the wooden door open until he was met with his wardrobe. He examined a few shirts until he came across a red ULL shirt with white writing. King had no idea where this shirt came from and how it ended up with him but he was going to wear it. Closing the door he began to savage through his dresser until he found a pair of dark denim jeans.

Digging his arm through each whole, King scooted the shirt down his chest until it rested at his hips. Shaking his jeans out as if they were freshly pressed he stepped into each one. He wasn't to big on the whole sagging your pants trend but he did like for his pants to hang a little. Guys that had their whole ass out pissed him off. Especially when being around older women he found it to be disrespectful.

He looped his belt loops with a old black belt he had for decades. Heading back into his closet he searched his sock bin until he found some white ankle socks. While in there he grabbed his red checkerboard Vans and closed the door again. Unlacing them he slipped each of his feet into them and tied a pretty loose knot.

Smoothing out his clothes he walked into the bathroom making sure to flip the light switch on first. Grabbing his toothbrush he wetted it first and then skirted some toothpaste onto it. Placing it back underneath the water he then began to brush his teeth. For some odd reason King seemed to hum when he brushed his teeth.

Once he was done he spit the content in his mouth out into the sink and ran water after it. Picking up the white towel he wiped his mouth and then prepared to do his hair. It didn't take much to do it but it could take a little minute. First he sprayed it with water until it was soaked. Quickly he grabbed the towel he used before and laid it around his shoulders so the water could drop on there.

Taking a heaping amount of conditioner in his hand he slapped it in his head and began to massage in into his hair. He waited until the white stuff was fully massaged into his head before deciding it was good. Taking his hair tool he moved it in circular motions until he seen his small twist start to form. Once that was done he wiped his hands cleaned and placed his gold chain around his neck.

King wasn't looking to spectacular but he was decent. Turning out the light he went back into his room and grabbed his wallet off the dresser. Closing his door behind him he walked to the living room where his phone was. Pressing the home button his notifications lit up.

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