
6.5K 320 45

9:43 p.m

"Y-You can't put no zero down on top of no nine." Asia said slurring her words. She picked up the yellow zero and placed it closer to Melanie's face. But the alcohol had now took over so within seconds her hand came crashing down.

Smacking the card of her face Melanie tried to think about her words before they came out. Leaning up from the sitting down position she was in on the floor. She held her finger up and spoke. "First, how I can't. We don't have any ten's s-so you could put a zero down."

Asia laughed pushing Melanie with it a little. For half the night they were the only ones that found everything funny. Making everyone else laugh with and at them.

"Yeah s-she can." Deezy interrupted holding a chicken drum in one hand and his stack of cards in the other.

"Don't listen to midget mike." Dray joked moving Deezy out the way. He had recently got up to fix himself a plate like five minutes ago and yet he returned with no plate.

"Nigga where your plate?" King asked smiling. He had asked Deon to bring him a couple meatballs back and he was now realizing that he showed up empty handed.

"Plate?" Dray repeated scrunching his eyebrows together. And suddenly it dawned on him that he literally stood in the kitchen for the past five minutes and did nothing. "Son I forgot." He protested holding his hands up.

"It's your go Mariah." Breylynn made noticed pointing towards her. Honestly they couldn't remember what order it was originally but whoever they called on was next.

"Okay hold on." Switching through her cards Mariah thought for a second. There was a yellow zero down in the pile and all she had left was a blank card. Since the girls had bought the uno where you could write things on them. "Mel I can do this?" She asked reaching over Deezy and King.

Normally Melanie would have given Mariah a quick answer but right now it took her brain a little second to realize. Also she didn't feel like hearing Asia's mouth about she couldn't.

"Yeah go for it."

"Uno. Uno out." Mariah exclaimed as she stuck her tongue out in victory.

"Damn." King said throwing his cards on the table.

"Baby what you doing. Everybody still in the game." Melanie wondered trying to hold in her laugh. She placed the water bottle tip near her mouth as she smiled.

"Man this game been going on for two hours." King complained dragging his hands across his face slowly.

"What's your command?" Melanie asked Mariah in regards to her blank card.

"What can I do?" asked Mariah shrugging her shoulders.

"You can make one person draw however many you want or everybody, you can put someone back in, and you get somebody out. Just anything you want." Explained Melanie now sitting criss cross.

"If you make everybody draw I'm out." Dray mentioned humorously.

"I say you do something different." King suggested.

"Like what?" Breylynn asked tearing into one of the M&M's packets.

"Do like a truth or dare." He implied. He remembered back at ESU at one of the frat parties they played a card game but with a twist. He mostly picked truth and the dares that didn't involve kissing anyone.

He definitely wasn't doing the sex ones like some of his other peers around that time.

"Ouu I like that. Good job King." Asia congratulated him as she held up her hand for a hive five. He gave her a quick one before heading into the kitchen to get his meatballs that Dray still hadn't got.

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