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"Y-Yeah I guess." Nikki hesitated unsure of what to say as King approached them. It usually wasn't in her to ask for help. But when it came to cars that's where she had to suck it up. The most Nikki knew how to do on a car was to drive it and park it.

Moving aside King stepped in to look underneath the hood. Although he wasn't a professional mechanic his uncle had taught him enough about cars, when he spent the summers with him as a child.

From just observing what happened earlier King had a strong feeling that it was her battery. But he wanted to keep an open mind just incase it wasn't anything to serious.

"Aye little man." King called to the shy boy who stood behind his mama with his hands in his pocket.

The boy eyebrows rose signaling King that he was saying what ?

"Just like your mama told you earlier can you do that for me again?" King asked scooting his head towards the car.

Shaking his head yes Trey asked for the keys from his mother and then made his way into the car. Following his instructions from before he started the car while King looked.

"Yeah alright. Cut it!" King yelled rolling his index finger in a circle. Killing the car Trey joined them as he to thought of what it could be.

"Got any clue." Nikki said sort of quietly  as she placed her hands in her front pocket.

"I'm thinking it's the battery. Did you leave your light on or anything ? Because if the battery is drained or dead then the whole car won't start. " King suggested as he looked back over the engine and things.

"No not the light but your probably right." Nikki agreed glancing over the car also. "I haven't got a new battery in years so this used one finally gave up." She mumbled picking the rust of the red wire on the battery.

"Have you jumped it before?" asked King.

"No not that I can remember. It never died on me." Answered Nikki shrugging her shoulders slightly.

"Okay well I got some jumping cables in the back. I could give you a jump and hopefully it starts." Offered King pointing to his car.

"Ouu please! That'll help so much." Nikki said excitedly. The last thing she wanted was to be out of a car.

"I got you." King laughed as he began to make his way to his car.

Once he arrived he popped the trunk and looked around. At first King didn't want to believe that he didn't see the cables and that they were just misplaced. Moving the things around he continued not to the cables.

They gotta be in the back seat, King thought to hisself closing the trunk. Opening the back seat door he scanned over the floor. Moving things around King once again didn't see them.

Unfortunately, King walked back over to Nikki and Tyler who were both kicking the rocks in the parking lot. Hearing him approach Nikki and Trey looked up confused of not seeing the cables in his hand.

"I thought I left the cables in my truck last time." King admitted scratching his head. He was sure last time he gave Deezy a jump he placed it in his trunk. For exact times like this.

"It's okay." Nikki reassured him slowly closing the hood of the car.

"You know anybody who can come jump it or pick it up?" Asked King looking back at the blue Honda. In some way he was a little sad that he couldn't help them out.

Shaking her head ashamed Nikki spoke. "My family won't come out here. Not even if I broke down in front of their house."

"Damn." King said lowly.

"I got a cousin that stays on N Frost that I can call and see if he'll help me out. But I know I can't call him until tomorrow."

"I can give you a ride home until he's able to come get it." King added pulling out his keys.

"Thank you." Nikki beamed giving him a small smile. "Let me lock everything up and then we could go."

"Alright." King said pressing the unlock button on keychain. "You wanna' help me load the equipment up in the car Trey?" King asked making small talk with the child while his mother searched their car.

"Yeah." Answered Trey. Joining King they walked back onto the field where King had laid his things neatly in a corner. King decided one day while at the Academy to pick up some some footballs for the team. The miniature one so they could just throw around.

By the time they were done loading the few things Nikki was ready. She stood in front of them holding her purse in one hand and clutching papers and a blue folder in the other.

"Ready?" King asked breaking the silence.

Shaking her head yes , her and Trey followed behind King as they made their way to his car.

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