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Monday 10:04 a.m
The Grand Opening, Finally

"It took you twelve years but you finally opened it." joked Dray as he gripped King's shoulder and rocked it a little bit. Despite Dray's humor it felt true to King causing him to laugh to hisself. He hadn't kept track of how many times he said the shop was suppose to officially open, but today was finally the day.

A sense of pride rained over him. This was something he had been planning since he was a little child. Back when he use to give his teddy bear, Woody, and some of his other toys quote on quote line ups. They were usually done with a pair of child safety scissors but little Kingston didn't mind at all.

Sure business wasn't something he wanted to go to school for in the beginning, but he remembered something a senior told him when he moved back to Brooklyn. Not to chase after a bag but to chase a career you love that provided a bag. That quote stuck with King and when his junior year came he switched his major to business management.

He fell in love with the idea of becoming his own boss and not having to follow anyone else orders but his. And the most important part was his grandfather. One time over spring break King had been cleaning the attic which was demanded by his mother of course. And stumbled across some old pictures of his grandmother and grandfather. Turns out not to far from where his grandparents lived was an old abandon building. His grandfather bought it and turned it into a barbershop. At first it was only provided to males but his grandfather let his grandmother do hair in the back of the building.

He ran the business for twenty years until he had to shut it down due to some unknown problems with the building. King asked his dad why he had never told him about the shop and that's when King learned the actual truth. When his grandfather bought the shop the man who sold it to him never gave him full ownership of the building. The blame fell on his grandfather due to his reading not being the best. Meaning that whenever he wanted his grandfather out of it he could. And that's exactly what happened.

The man who his grandfather bought it from ended up dying and none of his family members wanted his business nor the land despite it being inherited to them. Once school started back up King made it an essential that he buy back that property. And that he did. King did some research and turns out the mans son in law owned the company now. King bought the place back out and fully signed ownership back over to his name now. Meaning that King owned the building now and so did his family.

"I'm proud of you big bro." Deezy congratulated as he dapped King down and pulled him into a slight hug. Deezy knew how much this meant to King and wouldn't have missed the official grand opening for nothing.

"Thanks man." King replied hugging him back before releasing him. "But seriously get your ass in that chair and get that fixed." King corrected him slapping Deezy head.

"About time someone noticed." Dray barged in grabbing Deezy's face and examining the mess on top of his head.

"You need to do the same. Look at your beard D." King mentioned not sparing anyone at the moment. The few customers he had snickered at his remark as he pointed both Deezy and Dray to a seat.

"You have no room to talk. That moss nest on top of your head need some work done on it to. So catch a seat boss man." Deezy joked pointing to the seat across from him as he sat down.

Dray shook his head but had remembered what King had said awhile back. He did need a back up barber in place of when his personal one couldn't make it. And knowing King he wouldn't just hire anybody so the four barbers he did have had to be working with something.

"Worry about self." King warned Deezy as he peeped at his reflection in one of the mirrors. Running his hand through his hair King nodded his head in agreement with Deezy. A little touch up was needed but nothing to major. But he had time to get that done today's focus was on the customers and customers only.

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