
9.7K 423 95

7:30 p.m

Finished a little early King but everything should be how you want it. I'll call you tomorrow morning.

     - Mike

"I really underestimated him." King thought to hisself as he tucked the spare key in his back pocket. Bawling the note up he threw it on top one of the counter and headed through the hallway. The shop and salon were connected by a short hallway that then eventually lead you to the restrooms. 

Reaching the salon King was amazed at how different the salon looked now. The new design that Mike picked out made King's plain idea look like trash. Although he excepted Mike to do a good job since he had been a decorator for over fourteen years.

The atmosphere of the room was even better now. The walls were a light brown now that gave the room a warm feeling. Black trimming followed the wall professionally. Three hair dryer chairs sat perfectly in a row, the clear dryer glistening in the light. Next to that was the washing station plus styling. All chairs were black with silver detail.

Across from that we're two comfy tan couches, where the people could wait. From there in the next corner plastered on the wall, was a sparkly mermaid banner with a fluffy white chair. After the girls were done getting all made up they could sit in that section and make videos and take photos.

Around the whole salon decor of black pride were hung up giving you this proud feeling of yourself. Things like suck as: as painting of two little girls with huge puffs holding hands, another one that said my kinky hair is the best part of me, and the last one said black is beautiful.

King couldn't help but to feel a sense of completeness with his business. Originally, King went to ESU to major in engineering but he something made him changed his mind. He never liked the fact that he had to take orders from another person. Although he obeyed King still wanted to be his own boss. So he switch his major to business and also took a passion in photography.

"Looks nice babe." A soft voice spoke causing King to slightly jump.

Looking from what his focus was on King looked over his shoulder to see Melanie standing in the door frame. Her all black scrubs complemented her luscious brown skin, she swore a slight smile that made the room immediately feel cozy, and her curly hair was pulled into high puff. A few of her edges had curled up giving her face this funny affect.

"Hey Mel." King greeted her pulling her into a hug. I wrapped my arms slowly around her rocking us a little bit. Something I always felt right about being close to Mel.

"You for real?" He questioned breaking up the hug to scan over the room. Melanie was unaware of how much her opinion mattered.

"Yes look at it!" Mel reassured him opening her hands as if she was representing the room to him. Personally the colorful shimmer wall where people could take pictures was her favorite part.

"Good because all praise goes to Breylynn and Mariah." He said standing behind Melanie now. He slightly rested his head on her shoulder as he kissed her neck then her cheek.

"Love you."

"I love you too." Melanie cooed smiling. "I'm about to FaceTime Bre and Mariah so they can see." She continued as she opened her FaceTime app. Melanie was so thankful Apple had finally made a three person call, actually more than three.

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