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8:23 p.m
Jeffery's Skating Ring

"Can I get an order of chili and cheese fries. With a burger and a large drink." Melanie ordered gripping the counter for dear life. She didn't understand why she agreed to come skating with the rest of the crew, but here she was trying not to embarrass herself. Especially not in front of all the male workers running the kitchen.

"And what's your drink?" He asked grabbing the large cup from the bottom. Something Melanie silently thanked him for. She had a hatred for people who touched the rim of your cup. She just felt it was dirty for you to place your hand where someone's mouth may go possibly.

"A Dr.Pepper." She answered fingers slipping a little. Taking one of her skates she scooted it completely until she heard it hit the wall. This should hold her until it was time to get her food.

Filling the cup to the brim the anonymous guy topped her drink and handed it to her, but not before repeating her order. "So that's a chili and cheese fry, a burger, and a large drink." He started looking up at Mel from the register.

"Yep." She answered again giving him a fake smile.


Reaching into her back pocket Melanie pulled out a wrinkled ten dollar bill that she had found in her car earlier. At first she decided that she wouldn't eat at the skating ring, but Melanie doubted that. The moment she smelt the food she already had planned in her head what she was going to order.

Handing her back fifty-seven cent Melanie rolled over to the pick up window and waited. There were a few people sitting in the dinning area, conversing and eating. Out the corner of her eye Melanie could see a young couple sitting at a booth. They seemed to be in their early teens years and by the look of them they were on a date.

Melanie couldn't help herself from saying aww. She thought it was the cutest thing in the world. She watched as the couple laughed, talked, and the girl occasionally stole some fries. In a way Melanie tried not to see herself and King in their shoes. But she couldn't help it. Her mind had replace the teens with them and in a way she started smiling.

Did she miss him?


Why was Melanie hearing King's voice? Had her mind completely erased the children's voice and replaced them with their own. But soon her ear relayed the correct answer to her.

"How your mama and brother been?"

Yeah Melanie was sure that was King. Turning her head around Melanie eyes met King's body. He was standing there dapping one of the employees down. He had reached over and gave him a small hug. Melanie tried her hardest not to make any noise or move because the last thing she needed was for King to see her.

"Hold on a second." The boy said turning away from King leaving him to look at his phone. Melanie was praying that the boy wasn't going to do what she thought he was. "Here you go ma'am." The boy added handing Melanie her tray with her food on it.

And as if on cue King turned his head towards the mystery person the boy had called. The second he realized it was Melanie his eyes immediately drifted back to the boy. Melanie head shot back in disbelief as if what the fu**. It was as if he did it like he had an attitude or was like oh well.

But I guess Melanie had earned that since she too rolled her eyes when ever King made contact with her. Holding her tray tightly Melanie slowly skated over to the exist. She wanted to turn around and address him but then she thought for a second.

What if he looked at you like that because he knew you would come back and say something? Or maybe your reading into it too much, She thought to herself as she glided down the hump.

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